If data are changed to protect anonymity, authors should provide assurance that alterations of the data do not distort scientific meaning. When informed consent has been obtained it should be indicated in the published article." For papers that include information or images that could identify or ...
Egg protein also has a BV of 100 ( biological value) meaning its ability to help muscles maintain nitrogen is excellent. Nitrogen is the amine portion of the amino acid NH2 intimately involved with the growth of lean muscle tissue. Egg protein also has a digestibility ratio of 97% meaning t...
Caffeine had a significant linear effect on leg muscle pain ratings meaning the higher the dose, the better pain relief provided by caffeine. The average pain intensity scores during exercise after ingesting 10 mg caffeine per kg body weight, 5 mg per kg, and placebo were 2.1, 2.6, and 3.5...
Special issues are now published as "virtual" special issues, meaning an article gets published in the journal's first available volume/issue once it reaches final stage, and will be added simultaneously in the special issue of the journal (which is an Article Collection of these papers ...
section should describe the following elements of the investigation: (1) Aims; (2) Study population; (3) Assessors and other members of the investigational team, population, or sample; (4) Intervention; (5) Endpoints (outcomes); (6) Statistical methods used to determine the meaning of the...
This includes acknowledgement that race and ethnicity are cultural constructs with biological contribution through genetic heritage, but do not have well defined nor clear scientific meaning. The names of races and ethnicities should be capitalized, and should be used in adjectival form rather than as...
doi:10.59350/e20ep-k3w28 Posted by Mike Taylor Filed inScience communication,Tutorial,writing Leave a Comment » Tutorial 45: how to decide whether to do a higher degree in palaeontology November 11, 2024 Nearly a year ago, I got an email from Liam Shen, who was interested in getting ...
Meaning, you get subjects in the lab (or field) when you can. Sometimes pre-testing a group of subjects can cover the span of months. Moreover, data collection requires its own unique set of skills. And like any skill, if you don’t use it, you lose it. Data collection would be ...
The third system being the Aerobic Oxidative System (aka the Oxygen system) which consists primarily of exercises that are performed at an intensity lower than that of the anaerobic threshold (3). Meaning that you will not get any lactic acid (burning sensation) production when you’re in this...
It is the formal statement of the (functional) meaning of a word, an explicit and strict assertion, with no examples or ambiguous terms, allowing the precise identification of the target clinical picture. It must encompass only that information necessary and sufficient to define each term (e.g...