The trees know it’s time to blossom their beautiful flowers and it’s all connected to one place, right here, in the Land of Israel, where Judaism is connected and the holidays are connected to the Land and Nature and the People. It’s the time when people go out and the earth is ...
The trees know it’s time to blossom their beautiful flowers and it’s all connected to one place, right here, in the Land of Israel, where Judaism is connected and the holidays are connected to the Land and Nature and the People. It’s the time when people go out and the earth is ...
Paul tells us that the Messiah would reign not only over Judah and Israel, but over all the nations of the world. 8 Now I say that Jesus Christ [Christ is the Greek translation of Messiah] was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the...
by the providence of God. Now Messiah told His disciples Watch and pray that you do not fall into temptation, meaning that you do not let the opposition of the world change you into doing that which is against the plans and the purposes of God. Now in another gospel. What did Peter ...
There is only one “roadmap” to peace—when Jews and Arabs come together and experience the unity of loving the same God through the Messiah Yeshua! Strengthening Believers Maoz Israel is on a mission to reach every Israeli with the truth of the Gospel by empowering believers in the Land ...
Learn about the secrets of the Messianic Prophecies and understand how Yeshua is the Messiah. Let our Ministry Pray For You One of our ministry staff will pray for your request and place it in the crevices of the Western (Wailing) Wall. ...
A visit to Israel is a unique experience for Christians. This page contains practical information for Christian travelers and articles on holy sites in Israel.
The current election campaign, rather, is more a personality contest than anything else. It’s a referendum on Netanyahu’s appeal versus that of the newest Israeli messiah, Moshe Kachlon. It’s a plebiscite on the puffed-up (and mostly empty) political resumes of people like Yair Lapid. ...
Why bring up Israel’s Messiah here? (16:5) Isaiah took an opportunity to speak about the ultimate... PLUS Do your Biblical studies anywhere! Access $3,100 worth of premium resources on the go! Upgrade to Bible Gateway Plus and get the best value i...
Messiah the Son of David, in ver. 22, he saith, And one King shall he King to them all; according as Hosea saith in Chap. 2. So also saith Amos, in chap. 9. vers 14, 15, And I will bring againe the captivity of my people Israel, and they shall build the wast Cities, and...