It is prophesied in the Jewish scriptures that there will be no more war, murder, or theft, the Jerusalem Temple will be rebuilt, and all the Jews will return to the land of Israel upon his arrival. There is no count of how many leases in Jerusalem contain such a clause. But ...
King David and his son King Solomon would qualify as Messiahs in Israel. King David is famed for gathering all the divided tribes of Israel together into one nation, along with the ark of the covenant, or the physical representation of God's covenant with the Jewish people. King Solomon ...
According to Britannica Online, Gaza is a volatile patch of land on the west coast of Israel that today occupies 141 square miles and is home to 2.3 million residents. According to Stephanie Mulder, writing in Everyday […] Read Post March 5, 2025 In the Category "Antisemitic Propaganda...
Here are a few examples of what all of American Jewry is facing today. A major increase in anti-Jewish and anti-Israel attacks on individuals and institutions in cities across the USA. Houses of worship and individuals are being targeted. Jew free zones are being set up on campuses. Anti-...
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And thou, house of bread, of Ephratah, for being small among the thousands of Judah, out of thee shall come forth to me he being ruler in Israel; and his goings forth from of old from the days of eternity. 2 For this he will give them up even till the time she bearing will brin...
TheMessiahsaid, “Children of Israel, worship God, my Lord and your Lord. Whoever associates partners in worship with God, then God has forbidden Paradise for him, and his home is the Fire (Hell). For the wrongdoers,3 there will be no helpers.” ...
Many Bible prophecies speak of the return of the Jewish people from all nations to their native land of Israel, and of their return to the Messiah of Israel, Jesus, or in Hebrew, 'Yeshua.' Today and in recent years, many Jewish people are discovering and believing that Yeshua haMashiach ...
Who we are AND who we are Not!Though it’s been stated (mostly by those who do not know us), but also by those who think that they know us, that we "have become Jewish" or of "Messianic Judaism" or "legalistic" etc… the truth is we have not become any o
only a tiny Jewish minority. We ask sincere Jews filled with love for their fellowman to join us in a faith free of the post-second Temple authoritarian self-anointed masters who tragically and arrogantly distorted the superior "mission" of Israel into an elitist superior "position" of the ...