the film was a turning point in Israeli filmmaking which had until then consisted primarily of Zionist social realist documentaries and popular dramas; Michel Khleifi's Fertile Memory (1980), the director's feature documentary debut, it marked the beginning of a new period in Palestinian filmmaking...
“Uvda,” which is the local equivalent to CBS News’ “60 Minutes,” has prepared a series of documentary films collectively titled “Inside Israel: This Is War.” Comprised currently of seven films each running between 20 and 30 minutes long, they cover all the events from the massacres...
Mr. Mozer andYael Perlov, the editor and co-producer of the documentary, uncovered the lost interview almost by chance, in theSteven Spielberg Jewish Film Archivein Jerusalem. There, while working to restore an old and unsuccessful feature film about Ben-Gurion by Ms. Perlov’s late father, ...
indication of a possible deployment of Israel’s alleged nuclear arsenal during the Yom Kippur War, and had such a signal been received in Washington, the Nixon Administration “would have been very opposed to it,” then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has told an Israeli documentary series....
Killing Gaza is a documentary film by journalists Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen, documenting Israel's 2014 assault on Gaza during the war, and chronicling its horrific aftermath.
Dvir teamed up with Retro Report to produce a short documentary, "How Special Ops Became Central to the War On Terror," for The New York Times.Lifetime and Investigation Discovery have incorporated footage from Dvir's documentaries into their programs. His films have received coverage by such ...
Lugo was born in Brooklyn, New York and has credits for directing the documentary Sonó, Sonó, Tité Curet!!! and for acting on Mi Dia de Suerte, The Apostate, El Clown and Che. Also he is known for his work with Gabriel Coss directing music videos for Calle 13, Nelly Furtado, ...
“At the end of the battle, I made a promise to my fallen friends that I would make sure that their story of incredible courage and strength and friendship will be remembered,” Almagor declared in a telephone interview. He underwrote the 2009 production of the documentary about Tel Saki, ...
We’re heading towards a global thermonuclear Third World War JUST AS Our Lady of Fatima indicated and reaffirmed once again as Our Lady of Akita, Japan back in 1973 – and YOU are worried about ‘turning people OFF’ – gimme a break. Aren’t you worried that there will be SO FEW PE...
And how couldIsraeli filmmakersfeel comfortable at the International Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam, where a banner with the words “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” was unfurled at the opening ceremony in November? The sign was greeted with applause, including from fes...