The renewed attention is due to an explosive new documentary, “Tantura,” directed by Israeli filmmaker Alon Schwarz, which premiered virtually Jan. 20 at the Sundance Film Festival. In the film, Schwarz interviews several Israeli veterans who, in the country’s 19...
TANTURA (Film)IGNORANCE (Theory of knowledge)This essay, a product of a reflection and dialogue between a Palestinian and a Jewish Israeli, revisits the so-called "Teddy Katz Affair," a heated debate that erupted first in 2000 but resurfaced recently due to a new documentary. The Affair ...
Documentary Edit pageAdd to list Track "Angels in the Sky," a story focused on foreign pilots who fought during Israel's War for Independence, is gaining momentum. The story is set in 1948 in the wake of Israel's declaration of independence, which triggered a nine-month war ...See more...
“Uvda,” which is the local equivalent to CBS News’ “60 Minutes,” has prepared a series of documentary films collectively titled “Inside Israel: This Is War.” Comprised currently of seven films each running between 20 and 30 minutes long, they cover all the events from the massacres...
A significant portion of IDF forces during Israel's 1948 War of Independence, like Schwimmer and Winters, were volunteers hailing from English-speaking countries. Charles Winters received no monetary compensation for the work he did for the IAF. He died in 1984....
Lugo was born in Brooklyn, New York and has credits for directing the documentary Sonó, Sonó, Tité Curet!!! and for acting on Mi Dia de Suerte, The Apostate, El Clown and Che. Also he is known for his work with Gabriel Coss directing music videos for Calle 13, Nelly Furtado, ...
He had made tough choices along the way, like refusing to allow the return ofPalestinianrefugees from the 1948 war over Israel’s creation, and placing Israel’s Arab citizens under military rule. Ben-Gurion believed the state’s mission was to fulfill the biblical concept of an “am segulah...
Why is not possible to distance oneself from the terror, to name that Hamas and Islamic Jihad are responsible for this war and to show solidarity and empathy with the victims of the massacres? Why is it not possible to address the suffering of the people in Gaza and not question Israel’...
In the aftermath of the Second World War and the horrors of the Holocaust, there was an urgency for a Jewish homeland. In 1948, a year before Netanyahu was born, Israel came into being - a small but powerful nation in the heart of the Middle East. ...
History DocumentaryMilitary DocumentaryDocumentaryHistoryWar Decision-makers from Israel, the Arab states, Russia and the US tell the inside story of the Arab-Israel conflict. Charts the evolution of tensions, violence and peace efforts from 1948 to 1998....