综上所述,ISPM-15 stamped pallets在国际贸易中具有重要作用,它们不仅符合国际标准,降低了有害生物的传播风险,还提高了贸易效率和货物安全性。因此,在外贸出口和物流运输中,应优先考虑使用这些符合ISPM-15标准的托盘。
WPM is defined as wood or wood products (excluding paper products) which are used to support, protect or carry a commodity and includes pallets, crates, packing blocks, drums, cases, skids and dunnage. 木制包装材料是指通常用来支撑,保护或者承载某种商品的木材或者木制产品(纸制品除外)包括托盘,板条...
本标准适用的管制木质包装材料系指由针叶和非针叶原木制成的托盘 (pallets ) 栈板、(dunnage) 条板、(crating )、填塞块(packing blocks )、圆筒(drums )木箱(cases)、负荷板(load boards )等,这些包装材料可能在 任何输入货物中存在,包括一般不作为植物检疫检查对象的货物。至于经由胶水、加热、加压或者结合这些...
Cutler Bros. has been a licensed and certified heat treating operation for over 15 years and has the industry expertise to get your products across the borders with no hassle. We can provide heat treatment services on any pallets or crates we manufacture, but we can also provide our services...
物的贡贡。本贡准适用的管制木贡包材料系指由贡和非贡原木制成的托贡(装叶叶pallets)贡板、 (dunnage)板、(条crating)、塞贡(填packingblocks)、贡筒(drums)、木箱 (cases)、贡荷板(load boards)等,贡些包 材料可能在任何贡 入贡物中存在,包括一般不作 装 贡植物贡疫贡贡贡象的贡物。至于贡由 水、加贡、...
Inka Palette Bancali di legno pressato La soluzione per le Vs. esportazioni oltremare I Vs. pallets-display per i punti di vendita (POS) Il Vs. risparmio di spazio nel magazzino Il Vs. bancale per container da 20 e 40 piedi Per saperne di più...
The pallets has water proof function, and it is in compliance with ISPM 15 because of the heating treatment and pressure process. Main parameter of our compressed wood pallets: Size Pallet Height Weight Static Load Dynamic Load Fork Height Fork Direction 1000*900mm 135mm 14.5+/-...
P. Churchill Supplies ISPM15 Heat Treated Pallets and are accredited, licensed by the Forestry Commission as a member of the UK Wood Packaging Material Marking Programme, have the facilities to produce compliant ISPM15 heat treated timber pallets.
packagingmaterial(pallets,crates,dunnages,etc)requiringthattheybetreatedwithheator fumigatedwithchemicalssuchasmethylbromideandmarked,withasealofcompliance.This sealofcomplianceisalsoreferredtoasthe"bugstamp."Productsfabricatedsolelyfrom manufacturedwoodproducts(eg.plywood)areexemptfromISPM15. ...
International trade using solid wood packaging material (SWPM), which includes wood pallets, containers and dunnage material, is managed through a set of phytosanitary measures referred to as ISPM-15. The purpose of the ISPM-15 program is to significantly reduce the spread of pests by mandating ...