ISPM15包装标准(中文解释)(ISPM15packingstandard(Chinese explanation)) Eachoneaccordingtohislights.Thingssuchasgrass,spring inthelong,peoplelikeclouds,shadowsdonotstay.Although theroadisendlessandfaraway,Istillwanttopursuethetruth intheworld.DanielMorningsideHuanghui,withhoego.This ...
美国新ISPM15木制包装进口规定 (2005年9月16日生效) Effective September 16, 2005, the U. S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) will enforce a new international standard called ISPM 15 that applies to wood packaging material (WPM) imported into ...
support,protectorcarryacommodityandincludespallets,crates,packingblocks,drums, cases,skidsanddunnage. 木制包装材料是指通常用来支撑,保护或者承载某种商品的木材或者木制产品(纸制品除外) 包括托盘,板条箱,包装垫块,滚桶,箱子,滑道和缓冲材。 ISPM15requiresWPMtobeeither: ...
The ISPM-15 standard is designed to prevent the spread of insects and disease via overseas wood packaging materials such as crates, dunnage, and pallets. The ISPM 15 logo stamp certifies that a wooden pallet has been manufactured using debarked lumber and heat treated or fumigated, making it ...
ISPM 15 (International Standard for Phytosanitary Measure No.15): 即国际植物检疫措施第15项标准/国际贸易木质包装材料管理指南,也称NIMF No.15 (Norma Internacional Para Medidas Fitosanotarias No.15)。 这是关于木质包装的条款, 如果使用非原木托盘,只要出一个Non-Wooden Packing certificate 就可以了, 如果...
P. Churchill Supplies ISPM15 Heat Treated Pallets and are accredited, licensed by the Forestry Commission as a member of the UK Wood Packaging Material Marking Programme, have the facilities to produce compliant ISPM15 heat treated timber pallets.
Wood packaging material (WPM), such as pallets, is one of the high risk pathways for the introduction of wood pests. International recognition of this risk resulted in adoption of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures No. 15 (ISPM15) in 2002, wh...
内容提示: 美国新 ISPM15 木制包装进口规定 (2005 年 9 月 16 日生效) Effective September 16, 2005, the U. S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) will enforce a new international standard called ISPM 15 that applies to wood packaging material ...