isometric exercise trainingmeta-analysisThe objective of our study was to examine the effects of isometric resistance training (IRT) on resting blood pressure in adults. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized-controlled trials lasting 2 weeks, investigating the effects of ...
通过对270项试验(包括15,827名参与者)的回顾,这项新研究的作者们发现,在HIIT(高强度间歇训练法)中,等长运动、有氧运动、动态抗阻训练以及后两者的结合,等长运动能最大程度地降低血压(isometric exercise led to the greatest reductions in blood pressure)。“有氧运动训练后血压降低了4.49/2.53 mmHg;...
In subject area:Nursing and Health Professions Isometric exercise, also known as static exercise, refers to a type of exercise that involves applying a relatively large force to the muscles without any significant change in muscle length. It is characterized by a sudden increase in blood pressure ...
3.Effects and Mechanism of Isometric Exercise Training in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease;冠心病患者等长收缩训练的作用及机理 4.An experimental study of the effect of intensity reduced training on the maximum isometric contraction strength of skeletal muscle of rats;减量训练对大鼠骨骼肌最大等长收缩...
But when an isometric exercise is done repeatedly over many weeks, there's a reduction in sympathetic nervous system activity. This means blood pressure is lowered and there's less strain on the cardiovascular system—which makes these exercises good for the heart. Isometric exercises may be even...
Acute Blood Pressure Response to Different Types of Isometric Exercise: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis Background: This study aimed to identify the blood pressure (BP) responses during different types of isometric exercises (IE) in adults and to evaluate whether BP responses according to IE...
Effect of plasma endogenous opioids on cardiovascular regulation under different central neuro-command duringisometric exercise───血浆内啡肽对等长收缩运动心血管反应的中枢调节定位 Effects of integrated isotonic exercise andisometric exerciseon blood pressure and plasma endothelins in hypertension patients──...
For each of 270 office patients, we determined blood pressure, heart rate (HR), electrocardiographic findings, and symptoms in response to maximal isometric and maximal dynamic exercise. For systolic BP response as the predicted measure, 4 predictor variables in combination, Including age, sex, ...
美 英 na.静力锻炼肌肉运动 网络等长运动 英汉 网络释义 na. 1. 静力锻炼肌肉运动 释义: 全部,静力锻炼肌肉运动,等长运动
1)isometric exercise等长运动 1.Clinical study on enhanced isometric exercise and stress echocardiography for diagnosis of coronary artery disease;增强的等长运动超声心动图负荷试验检测冠心病的应用研究 2.The paper is to compare the difference of the response of blood lipid and plasma endothelin to isotonic...