研究称,进行靠墙半蹲这样的等长运动对降低收缩压最有效,进行跑步这样的有氧运动对降低舒张压最有益。但总体而言,等长运动对降低两种压力因素都是最好的(but isometric exercise overall was best for lowering both pressure elements)。“这项研究发现了其他形式的锻炼,这很令人鼓舞,因为我们知道,那些喜欢锻炼的...
Isometric exercise training for blood pressure management: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Mayo Clin Proc. 2014;89:327-34.Inder JD,Carlson DJ,Dieberg G,McFarlane JR,Hess NC,SmartNA. Isometric exercise training for blood pressure management:asystematic review and meta-analysis to optimize ...
91 Figure 2 Analysis of change in systolic blood pressure. Figure 3 Analysis of change in diastolic blood pressure. Hypertension Research Isometric exercise for hypertension JD Inder et al 92 Figure 4 Analysis of change in mean arterial blood pressure. Figure 5 Analysis of change in resting heart...
The efficacy and safety of isometric exercise for blood pressure reduction in adults with raised blood pressure and hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. Vol. osf.io/7fnga. Open Science Framework; 2020. Alves A. The hypotensive effects of home-based isometric handgrip ...
Isometric exercises may be even more beneficial for heart health than other types of cardiovascular exercise. A study which compared the benefits of isometric exercise versus high-intensity interval training found isometrics led to significantly greater reductions in resting blood pressure over the study ...
Acute Blood Pressure Response to Different Types of Isometric Exercise: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis Background: This study aimed to identify the blood pressure (BP) responses during different types of isometric exercises (IE) in adults and to evaluate whether BP responses according to IE...
Isometric exercise causes transient systemic hypertension, but with individual differences. An attempt was made to delineate predictors of those differences by analyzing the blood pressure (BP) response in terms of variables readily measured in clinical practice. For each of 270 office patients, we det...
1)isometric exercise等长运动 1.Clinical study on enhanced isometric exercise and stress echocardiography for diagnosis of coronary artery disease;增强的等长运动超声心动图负荷试验检测冠心病的应用研究 2.The paper is to compare the difference of the response of blood lipid and plasma endothelin to isotonic...
(MEDLINE), the Cochrane Library and SPORTDiscus and included MeSH terms, key words and word variants for ‘isometric exercise training’, ‘static contraction’, ‘exercise training’, ‘blood pressure’ and ‘hypertension’. Individual RCTs in this review were also found through previous meta-...
Isometric exercise, also called static tension, is a muscle contraction without significant movement or alteration in the distance between the joint the muscle is attached to. You do not need any weights or other equipment for isometric exercises -- so y