1) isokinetic dynamometer 等速运动测试训练仪 2) constant speed movement 等速运动测试 3) isokinetic training 等速训练 1. A clinical study on the combinedisokinetic trainingof patients with traumatic brain injury; 等速训练在脑外伤康复中的应用
1) Isokinetic dynamometer 伸、屈膝肌群 2) flex 伸 1. It can be divided into subside belt andflexbelt. 后浇带按其作用可分为沉降后浇带和伸缩后浇带两种 ,后浇带在设计及施工过程中 ,常又分为平直缝和阶梯缝。 3) tensile elongation 拉伸伸长
Supplier Homepage Products Rehabilitation Assessment Gymnastics Equipment Isokinetic Dynamometer for Athlete Strength Testing & Training Related Categories Life Fitness Equipment Hammer Strength Home Use Gym Equipment Hot Searches Sports Equipment Fishing Equipment Strengt...
Isokinetic contraction is the muscular contraction that accompanies constant velocity limb movements around a joint. The velocity of movement is maintained constant by a special dynamometer. The resistance of the dynamometer is equal to the muscular forces applied throughout the range of movement. This ...
2014 Jan 01 "Muscular endurance measures of the quadriceps and hamstringmuscleswere recorded using an Isomed 2000 isokinetic dynamometer (D&R Ferstl GmbH, Hemau, Germany) with thekneepositioned from 90 degree flexion to 0 degree extension." ...
Small Gym Equipment Hammer Strength Equipment Hot Searches Sports Equipment Fishing Equipment Strength Equipment Building Equipment Plastic Strength Equipment Body Strength Equipment Home Strength Equipment Indoor Strength Equipment Strength Fitness Equipment Isoki...
Isokinetic dynamometers, such as the Cybex and Mini-Gym, offer alternative measurements. Unfortunately the Cybex, though accurate, is very expensive and cumbersome, while the Mini-Gym though portable and cheap may lack preciseness. Elbow flexion, shoulder flexion, shoulder abduction, trunk extension,...
The aim of this review was to identify studies that used the isokinetic dynamometer in the evaluation of trunk flexor and extensor muscles, detailing the parameters used and considering the reliability of the protocols. The movements of flexion and extension of the trunk are common tasks in the ...
OBJECTIVE: To assess the test-retest reliability of knee flexor/extensor strength using the Biodex Multi-Joint System 4 Isokinetic Dynamometer in children. METHODS: Peak isometric knee extensor (KE) and peak isokinetic knee flexor (KF) torques of the dominant and nondominant limbs were assessed ...
Isokinetic dynamometry is a widely used tool for measuring muscle strength in clinical intervention and rehabilitation as well as research in children.To assess the test-retest reliability of knee flexor/extensor strength using the Biodex Multi-Joint System 4 Isokinetic Dynamometer in children.Peak isom...