For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standard. ISO 898-1 :1989 Mechanical properties of fastener . Bolts, screws and studs ISO 1502 :1978...
selectedfromexistingInternationalStandards,forexampleISO261,ISO888,ISO898-1andISO965-2. 2Normativereferences Thefollowingreferenceddocumentsareindispensablefortheapplicationofthisdocument.Fordated references,onlytheeditioncitedapplies.Forundatedreferences,thelatesteditionofthereferenced ...
For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standard. ISO 898-1 :1989 Mechanical properties of fastener . Bolts, scr 9、ews and studs ISO 1502 :1978 ISO general purpose ...
15、British Standard has been reviewed and it has been decided, in the interests of safety, to delete BS 4190:1967 Tables 14 and 18 (mechanical properties for bolts and screws) and to produce a new edition. In this edition, BS EN ISO 898-1 has been referred to as it reflects current...
For undated references ,the latest edition of the referenced document(including any amendments)applies 下列引用标准在使用本标准时是不可缺少的。对于注明日期的引用标准,只能使用引证的版本,没有注 明版本日期的,使用最新版本(包括任何修订)。 ISO 68-1, ISO general purpose screw threads — Basic profile ...
ISO4017英文版 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 4017 Third edition 1999-08-15 Hexagon head screws — Product grades A and B Vis à tête hexagonale entièrement filetées — Grades A et B A Reference number ISO 4017:1999(E)
iso 16047-2013 ISO 16047-2005 Fasteners-Torque/clamp force testing 紧固件紧固扭矩-轴向预紧力试验 第1页共23页
How to compare dates and times and get the latest one how to compare two decimals values using powershell How to Concatenate Object Property and String How to conditionally change table row color in html table by power shell command ? How to configure SNMP community string and snmp server ip...
undatedreferences,thelatesteditionofthereferenceddocument(includinganyamendments]applies. lSO1456,Metallicandotherinorganiccoatings-Electrodepositedcoatingsofnickel,nickelplus chromium,copperplusnickelandofcopperplusnickelpluschromium ISO1463,Metallicandoxidecoatings-Measurementofcoatingthickness-Microscopicalmethod ...
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 1891-4, Fasteners Terminology Part 4: Controls, inspection, delivery, acceptance and qualityISO 6507-1, Metallic materials Vickers hardness test Part 1: Test methodISO 6508-1, Metallic ...