VSVΔG*-SARS, and VSVΔG*-MERS, a generalized linear model was used to test the correlation between gene expression and transduction rates. If one orthologous gene was not identified in a particular species, that gene was assumed to not be expressed in that species (gene expression...
Microbes release a wide variety of metabolites to the environment that benefit the whole population, called public goods. Public goods sharing drives adaptive function loss, and allows the rise of metabolic cross-feeding. However, how public goods sharin
Redox potential controls the behavior ofΔimcHandΔcbcL mutants: redox potential was recorded in real time during reduction of Fe(III)-citrate by each culture. Cells lacking the CbcL-dependent pathway (blue trace) initially reduced Fe(III), but could not lower the redox potential below –0.15...
also likely that organisms have acquisition strategies that are either uptake optimised (when precursors compounds are readily available in the environment, like in rhizosphere soil or less intensively managed grassland soils) or depolymerisation optimised (when resources are scarce and complex, like in ...
was paid to those parameters that were FDR-significant. Results Btrice led to the redistribution of soil nitrogen To characterize the influence ofBtrice on soil environmental biochemistry, samples were first separated into two portions including soils and surface waters. Bt proteins were not detected...
it is reasonable to believe that strategies to reduce energy investment in cell metabolism is important for the species involved. To shed light on how the thermophilic ammonia-tolerant syntrophic communities in this study acclimatised to energy scarcity, particular attention was paid to activities wit...
Nevertheless, our understanding of SP evolution remains far from complete. SP genetics has predominantly been studied in a small number of medically relevant bacterial species, with little attention paid to comparative evolutionary dynamics or SP sharing between species. For example, it remains unclear ...
Microorganisms possessing N2O reductases (NosZ) are the only known environmental sink of N2O. While oxygen inhibition of NosZ activity is widely known, environments where N2O reduction occurs are often not devoid of O2. However, little is known regarding
These grants and fees were not received for the research described in this paper. The remaining authors declare no conflict of interest. Additional information Supplementary Information accompanies this paper on The ISME Journal website Supplementary information Supplementary Information (DOC 130 kb) ...