The ISME Journal volume 15, pages 2591–2600 (2021)Cite this article 17k Accesses 99 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Streptomycetes are sessile bacteria that produce metabolites that impact the behavior of microbial communities. Emerging studies have demonstrated that Streptomyces spores are distributed ...
Full size image Several bacterial ASVs incorporated significant quantities of18O into their DNA under some conditions, but not under others, as indicated by differences in gross growth potential measured through the H218
On the tendency of species to form varieties; and on the perpetuation of varieties and species by natural means of selection (read on Jul. 1, 1858) Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Zoology), 3 (1859), pp. 45-62 Google Scholar [8] T. Dobzhansky Genetics and the Origi...
Journal of Geophysical Research PlanetsOri, G. G., L. Marinangeli, and A. Baliva (2000), Terraces and Gilbert-type deltas in crater lakes in Ismenius Lacus and Memnonia (Mars), J. Geo- phys. Res., 105(E7), 17,629 - 17,641....
journal article Open Access Collection Pacmanvirus isolated from the Lost City hydrothermal field extends the concept of transpoviron beyond the family Mimiviridae Santini, Sébastien;Lartigue, Audrey;Alempic, Jean-Marie;Couté, Yohann;Belmudes, Lucid;Brazelton, William J;Lang, Susan Q;Claverie, ...
Articles in the Journal describe pioneering discoveries of wide appeal that enhance our understanding of functional and mechanistic relationships among microorganisms, their communities, and their habitats.The broad scope of The ISME Journal encompasses the full breadth of microbial ecology research, ...
Aucune des multiples hypothèses étiopathogéniques ne peut être formellement retenue pour cette entité se transmettant sur le mode récessif autosomique. La seule certitude est celle d'une manifestation à début anténatal du mécanisme responsable de ce nanisme. Des études de liaison ...
To clarify which of these explanations is most likely, we first tested whether G2-11 can form magnetosomes under different laboratory conditions. To this end, the strain was cultivated photoheterotrophically, anoxic or microoxic, in a complex medium with potassium lactate and soybean peptone, as...
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a ubiquitous atmospheric trace gas produced by natural and anthropogenic sources. Some aerobic bacteria can oxidize atmospheric CO and, collectively, they account for the net loss of ~250 teragrams of CO from the atmosphere each y
The eurystomatous (Eu) mouth form was determined by the presence of a wide mouth, whereas the stenostomatous (St) forms were determined by a narrow mouth. Eu young adult worms were picked for predation assays. Predation assays We used two types of predation assays as described below. ...