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Define Islamic Months. Islamic Months synonyms, Islamic Months pronunciation, Islamic Months translation, English dictionary definition of Islamic Months. n. The lunar calendar used by Muslims, reckoned from the year of the Hegira in ad 622. See Table at
Maulana Mufti Syed Zia Uddin Naqshbandi Quadri,nayab shaiykh-ulfiqh,founder of abul hasanaat islamic center,muhadese-deccan,kaba,allah,hajj,madina,the holy book,prophet,sallahuaalihiwasallam,english,urdu,islamic website,islamic knowledge,muslim,muslim pr
Muslims across the globe use the Islamic Calendar to determine the dates of religious events and observances. This Hijri calendar is based on 12 lunar months –…
Quran Reading wishes you a very Happy Ramadan Kareem 2016 Islamic Hijri calendar is an iOS application designed to provide Muslims with Hijri Calendar besides…
Awal meansbeginningin English and Muharram is the name of the first month in the Muslim calendar. The first day of Muharram is therefore the Islamic New Year's Day and on this date theHijra, the historic journey from Mecca to Medina began. ...
qibla compass, providing timely reminders through the enchanting sound of Azan. This remarkable app also includes an Islamic calendar, complete with a feature-rich Quran app containing Arabic script, 40 translations, and audio recitations in three languages: Arabic, English, and Urdu, among others....
Many Muslims in countries such as Canada observe the start of the Islamic New Year on the first day of Muharram, which is the first month in the Islamic calendar.
Shaykh Ul Islam Conference (In Urdu, English and Telugu) Read More Shaykh Ul Islam Imam Muhammad Anwaarullah Farooqui - the leader of the Ummah Read More The women of the household of Hadhrat Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jeelani (May Allah be well pleased with him) Read More Why does Allah...
复杂计时功能蕴含几乎无限的创意空间。其中,历法是真正通用的复杂功能,植根于多元文化并反映了文明的进步。此次,帕玛强尼倾力呈现Tonda PF系列Hijri Perpetual Calendar回历腕表-腕尚名表网