Ramadan is one of the holy months in the Islamic calendar. Sort of like lent but for Muslims. Muslims fast from dawn to dusk every day for a month. Whilst fasting, Muslims abstain from eating, drinking (even water), sexual relations and generally try extra hard to be a better person. T...
复杂计时功能蕴含几乎无限的创意空间。其中,历法是真正通用的复杂功能,植根于多元文化并反映了文明的进步。此次,帕玛强尼倾力呈现Tonda PF系列Hijri Perpetual Calendar回历腕表,亦或称伊斯兰历腕表。 这款精美腕表以帕玛强尼于2011年发布的一款个性座钟为基础,其灵感源自一款在帕玛强尼修复工坊中实现全面修复且带有阿拉伯日历...
Downloads:1477 Type:Epub+TxT+PDF+Mobi Create Date:2023-03-12 08:51:25 Update Date:2025-02-05 Status:finish Author:Bachar Karroum ISBN:1988779650 Environment:PC/Android/iPhone/iPad/Kindle Download Summary A must-have for Ramadan。。。and perfect for all year longThis book has no images or...