isis circuit-level命令用来配置Level-1-2路由器的接口链路类型。 undo isis circuit-level命令用来恢复Level-1-2路由器的接口链路类型的缺省配置。 缺省情况下,级别为Level-1-2的IS-IS路由器上的接口链路类型为Level-1-2,可以同时建立Level-1和Level-2的邻接关系。
· L2(L1L2):表示与邻居建立的链路类型为Level-2,邻居路由器类型为Level-1-2 PRI 邻居接口DIS优先级 Area Address(es) 邻居所在区域地址 Peer IP Address(es) 邻居接口的IP地址 Uptime 邻居关系保持时间 Adj Protocol 邻接协议:IPv4或IPv6 Peer local circuit ID 邻居链路ID Peer circuit SNPA address 邻居子...
IIH报文用于建立和维持邻接关系, 广播网络中Level-1 ISIS路由器使用Level-1 LAN IIH; 广播网络中的Level-2 ISIS路由器使用Level-2 LAN IIH; 点到点网络中则使用P2P IIH. 广播IIH 通用头部; Res/Circuit type: 1字节, 表示发送该PDU设备的层级, 前6bit未使用, 后2bit: 00(0x0): 不可用 01(0x1):...
isis circuit-level [ level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2 ] undo isis circuit-level Parameters ParameterDescriptionValue level-1 Specifies the Level-1 link type. That is, only Level-1 neighbor relationship can be established on the interface. - level-1-2 Specifies the Level-2 link type. That...
is-level level-1 network-entity 49.0001.0000.0001.00 import-route static # **ipv6 enable topology standard # standard的含义就是单拓扑,这一条命令是默认自动生成的**<AR1>dis isis peer ver Peer information for ISIS(1) System Id Interface Circuit Id State HoldTime Type PRI ...
[Router_D]interface LoopBack 0 [Router_D-LoopBack0]isis enable 更改层次配置在ISIS视图下更改IS的层次: [Router_A-isis]is-level level-1 在端口模式下更改IS端口的层次: [Router_B-Serial2/1]isis circuit-level level-1 IS-IS选举DIS实验指导组网及业务描述 和上个多区域实验一样,根据上图搭好实验...
isis circuit-level [ level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2 ] undo isis circuit-level Parameters ParameterDescriptionValue level-1 Specifies the Level-1 link type. That is, only Level-1 neighbor relationship can be established on the interface. - level-1-2 Specifies the Level-2 link type. That...
isis circuit-level [ level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2 ] undo isis circuit-level Parameters ParameterDescriptionValue level-1 Specifies the Level-1 link type. That is, only Level-1 neighbor relationship can be established on the interface. - level-1-2 Specifies the Level-2 link type. That...
isis circuit-level [ level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2 ] undo isis circuit-level Parameters ParameterDescriptionValue level-1 Specifies the Level-1 link type. That is, only Level-1 neighbor relationship can be established on the interface. - level-1-2 Specifies the Level-2 link type. That...