The present invention discloses a bistatic ISAR image fusion method based on sub-aperture parameter estimation. 主要解决现有双基地ISAR图像融合效率低的问题. Mainly to solve the low existing bistatic ISAR image fusion efficiency. 其实现过程为:建立双基地雷达转台模型;获取两雷达的目标距离多普勒图像;利用...
基于子孔径参数估计的双基地isar图像融合方法 Parameter estimation based sub-aperture image fusion method bistatic isar The invention discloses a bistatic inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) image fusion method based on sub aperture parameter estimation, which mainly sol... 全英汇,周瑞雨,徐炜,... -...
Keywords:ISAR;Targetrecognition;Gaborfilter;Fusionoffeature 1引言 逆合成孔径雷达(InverseSyntheticAperture Radar,ISAR)在国防事业中占有重要的地位,它是 一种全天时、全天候的远距离高分辨2维成像设备, 能够为目标识别提供丰富的目标结构信息。因此, 利用ISAR2维像进行目标识别一直是国内外雷达目 标识别领域的研究热...
In this paper, a new method for low-dimensional, strongly robust, and fast space target ISAR image recognition based on local and global structural feature fusion is proposed. This method performs the trace transformation along the longest axis of the ISAR image to generate the global trace ...
By introducing the local structural feature, Local Binary Pattern (LBP), the complementary fusion of the global and local features is achieved, which makes up for the missing structural information of the trace feature and ensures the integrity of the ISAR image feature information. The ...
By introducing the local structural feature, Local Binary Pattern (LBP), the complementary fusion of the global and local features is achieved, which makes up for the missing structural information of the trace feature and ensures the integrity of the ISAR image feature information. The ...
Multiband fusion imaging can effectively improve the range resolution of Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar(ISAR) imaging. The traditional Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques(ESPRIT) spectral estimation sig... D. Xiong,J. Wang,L. Zhao,... - 《Journal of Electronics & ...
{MA-VIED: A Multisensor Automotive Visual Inertial Event Dataset}, year={2024}, volume={25}, number={1}, pages={214-224}, keywords={Cameras;Sensors;Wheels;Sensor fusion;Odometry;Standards;Visualization;Visual inertial odometry;event vision;MA-VIED automotive dataset;sensor fusion}, doi={10.1109...
To overcome these limitations, a bistatic ISAR (B-ISAR) imaging method is proposed with a separate transmitter and receiver [3–6]. B-ISAR can provide more observation angles than monostatic ISAR, so that the desired cross-range angle is ensured to image the target moving along the line of...
A number of three-dimensional ISAR imaging methods are proposed, such as interferometric ISAR imaging methods, imaging methods based on ISAR image sequences, and imaging methods of energy focusing on the time domain. The first two methods are implemented in the frequency domain. The three-dimension...