Image fusionContourlet transformHidden markov tree modelGaussian mixture modelContourlet-domain hidden markov tree(HMT) model can reflect the coefficients' dependencies of different scales and directions, then a SAR and optical image fusion algorithm based on it is proposed. Firstly source images are ...
SAR images contain abundant texture information, while optical images contain a wealth of contour information. Combining the advantages of both can result in images with richer information content. In this paper, we propose a CNN-based SAR image and optical image fusion model, named MSFusion, and...
Werner, Adrian, Storie, Christopher D., & Storie, Joni. (2014). Evaluating SAR-Optical Image Fusions for Urban LULC Classification in Vancouver Canada. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 40(4), 278-290.Werner, A., C. D. Storie, and J. Storie, 2014," Evaluating SAROptical Image ...
optical-SAR image fusionfeature enhancementpixel level fusion frameworkThis paper focuses on the establishment of a pixel-level fusion framework for optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images to combine these two types of remotely sensed imagery for feature enhancement. We have proposed a new ...
detectionrate敞andobtainmoreaccurateandcompletedinformationoftargetthansinglesensordoes. Keywords:imagesegmentation;imagefusion;fusiondetection;edgedetection;edgelinking 0 引言 将多个传感器组合起来的复合体制具有更好的抗 干扰性能,满足全天候工作要求,并且能降低检测虚警 率。对于侧视SAR和光学传感器来说,由于二者成像...
SAR Satellite On-Board Ship, Wind, and Sea State Detection This paper describes a prototype implementation of ship, wind, and sea state detection algorithms for satellite on-board SAR processing designed for Mariti... S Wiehle,D Gunzel,B Tings - IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing ...
The task of enhancing the perception of a scene by combining information captured from different image sensors is usually known as multisensor image fusion. This paper presents an area-based image fusion algorithm to merge SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) and optical images. The co-registration of ...
Brovey fusionCoarse to fine level setDiscrete wavelet transformSAR imageOptical imageContour extractionThis study delivers a new approach for contour extraction in different terrains of the same location of both SAR images and optical images using a coarse to fine level set scheme. Segmentation in ...
The high-resolution optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images are widely used in many remote sensing application areas such as image fusion and change detection where image registration is a ...
The task of enhancing the perception of a scene by combining information captured from different image sensors is usually known as multisensor image fusion. This paper presents an area-based image fusion algorithm to merge SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) and optical images. The co-registration of ...