the royal symbol the rule of contra pr the rule of majority the rule of type desi the rumsfeld way the run of the grain the russian empire the sacred bird the sacred chest the sad princess the sad tale the sadness of missin the safety belt story the sage colleges tro the sagittarius tee...
The body of faithful Christians becomes His temple (1 Corinthians 3:16). He is described as a 'Counsellor' or 'Helper' (paraclete in Greek, guiding them in the way of the truth.) The 'Fruit of the Spirit' (the result of His work) is "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, ...
And the harmony or fruitfulness due to the balance of the male and female.Also notice the female part of the symbol gives birth to the fruit (obviously).For anybody closely following this blog….the words of Isis(the eternal virgin) should also be of note.”The fruit I have brought forth...
It is in the gospel of John where you find Jesus saying “it is finished.” “When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” (John 19:30)The Greek word for “it is finished” is tetelestai. If you want ...
Well, the word is very widely written.) Other abbreviations for Christ include Xt and Xp, the P here representing the Greek letter rho, source of our letter R. A stylized version of the Greek chi (X) and rho (P) is ☧, a symbol of Christ called a Christogram. In the same ...
For example, in Doctrina Jacobi, also known as Jacob’s Didascalia—a Christian text in Greek probably written shortly before 640—a certain Abraham, a Jew from Caesarea, addresses his brother Justus (the source of Jacob, the author of the work), as follows: “… A prophet appeared with ...
symbol of trustworthiness: a literal “seal with a kiss.” In these instances, theXrepresented the sign of the cross and Christ because of its connection to theChi-Rho, a Christian symbol. The first two letters of Christ in Greek (ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ) arechiandrho, andchilooks likeX. ...
There are no records of Thomas Anson’s involvement with the Society, and yet the evidence of his support for James “Athenian” Stuart suggests he was a key figure in encouraging the Greek Revival.James Stuart, later known as “Athenian Stuart”, and Nicholas Revett announced their plans to...
“Religions”/Cults ……. give the loophole ……. for man to pass on responsibility to God/leader. – It’ responsibility, that everyone tries to avoid. – It’s the good ol’ “Bad-Faith” of the little Frenchman with thick glasses ……… that the little man in Bandarawela with the ...
Chapter 2 - This is what Isaiah, son of Amoz, saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. Zion, the Royal City of God - In days to come, The mountain of the