6.(Ecclesiastical Terms) for Christ; Christian 7.(Mathematics) (Roman numeral)ten. SeeRoman numerals [(sense 6) from the form of the Greek letter khi (Χ), first letter ofKhristosChrist] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991...
Xmas has been used for hundreds of years in religious writing, where the X is understood to represent a Greek chi, the first letter of Cistoz, “Christ”; in this use it is parallel to other forms like Xtian, “Christian.” But the letter X, or especially x, ...
因为CHRISTMAS这个词里面隐藏了耶稣基督CHRIST。但是圣诞节在很多国家都已经变成了一个公众假期,宗教的意味相对地就少了很多。 然后一些非教徒为了表示自己非教徒的身份,所以把CHRIST变成了数学里面经常当做未知数的X,从而产生了X'mas,但是读的时侯依然按照CHRISTMAS的读音来读。
usage:The abbreviationXmasfor Christmas dates from the mid-16th cent. The X is the Greek letter chi, the initial in the wordΧριστός(Christos) “Christ.” In spite of a long and respectable history, todayXmasis objectionable to many, perhaps because of its associations with adverti...
7 (also Xt) = Christ (Greek 希腊文之 Christos): Xtian, 即 Christian * Xmas, 即 Christmas. X-ray / 5eks reI; `Zks9re/ n 1 (usu pl except when used attributively 除用作定语外, 通常作复数) type of short-wave electromagnetic radiation that can penetrate solids and make it possible ...
In words from Greek, x transliterates the 14th Greek letter, xi, a letter perhaps quite unrelated to the Roman x in form. The formal Greek correspondent of x was chi, hence it is used in phonetics to represent a velar fricative like ch in loch. As the initial of the name Christ, X...
22nd letter of the Greek alphabet, representing a -kh- sound (seech). The letter is shaped like an X, and so the Greek letter name was used figuratively to signify such a shape or arrangement (as inkhiasma"two things placed crosswise;"khiastos"arranged diagonally; marked with an X;"khi...
In Greek, the original language of the New Testament, the word for “Christ” is Χριστός, which begins with the Greek letter that is essentially the same letter as the English letter X. So, originally, Xmas was simply an abbreviation of Christmas. No grand conspiracy to take ...
Using the same definition for the attenuation data, the required number of pixels calculates to 𝑁ROI=182NROI=182, or an area of 0.19 mm22 which translates to a square of 0.44 mm edge length. This edge length is close to the line width of the letter G in the dark-field, which ...
牛津英汉双解大辞典 X, x / eks; Zks/ n (pl X' s, x' s / 5eksIz; ` ZksIz/) the twenty-fourth letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第二十四个字母: ` Xylophone' begins with (an) X/`X' . xylophone一字以 x 字母开始. X chromosome (biology 生) chromosome that occurs as ...