Heatran, Rotom-W, Amoonguss, Mega Venusaur, (non cm) Cresselia, Gyarados, Thundurus, Politoed, Rotom-H. Notice a trend? Cube bait. Things like Wolfey's Nationals team this year? (Milotic/Landorus/Thundurus/Heatran/Amoonguss/Kangaskhan?) Classic defensive build, completely unusa...
When Venusaur picked up Chlorophyll, it lost Giga Drain. With Growth boosting both offenses by +2 in the Sun, Giga Drain becomes more potent than ever, and provides Venusaur with an offensive healing option not unlike Conkeldurr enjoys with Bulk Up and Drain Punch. Giga Drain is certainly ...