Sorry, got into a massive rant there; but the basic point is that to me for a starter to be fun in-game it has to have some offensive presence and a decent movepool variety. Even more defensive things like Venusaur, Swampert and Chesnaught work here because their offences are still de...
since I grew up with the cartoon so I always try to use a Blastoise/Charizard/Venusaur/Pikachu during my in-game run throughs. That being said I'm finding it more difficult to justify using Johto starters with newer pokemon having better stats/movepools against ingame matchups these days....
Otherwise, use the GX attack Trickster to use one of your opponent’s attacks against them.[18] Zoroark GX has 210 HP. Make sure you have a Zorua GX in your deck so it can evolve into this card. 19 Mega Venusaur EX (Evolutions) Download Article Poison and paralyze your opponent...