If you want to compile for python 2.7 or windows, you will need cython (see python 2.7 support later). Readstat depends on the C library iconv to handle character encodings. On mac, the library is found on the system, but users have sometimes reported problems. In those cases it may ...
log4cplususes thread--local storage (TLS) for NDC, MDC and to optimize use of some temporary objects. On Windows there are two ways to get TLS: usingTlsAlloc(), etc., functions using__declspec(thread) While method (2) generates faster code, it hassome limitations prior to Windows Vista...
Windows and TLS log4cplus uses thread--local storage (TLS) for NDC, MDC and to optimize use of some temporary objects. On Windows there are two ways to get TLS: using TlsAlloc(), etc., functions using __declspec(thread) While method (2) generates faster code, it has some limitations...
HPB Service is always down. I can up going to nc-webui (by terminal through ssh connection) and click in Apply even when I already did it before and even when YES . But few minutes after, it downs again. Below the scr…
(x + y) % 256; } } // old commands - always works IppStatus retIppiStatus = ippiConvValid_16s_C3R ( pSourceImage.get (), imageStep, imageSize, // original image: source &convMatrix[0][0][0], matrix1Step, matrixSize, // convolution matrix pDestImage.get (), imageStep, // ...
. There is also a step by step tutorial (with screenshots) on how to upgrade R on Windows, using the installr package. If you only see the option to upgrade to an older version of R, then change your mirror or try again in a few hours (it usually take around 24 hours for all ...
(x + y) % 256; } } // old commands - always works IppStatus retIppiStatus = ippiConvValid_16s_C3R ( pSourceImage.get (), imageStep, imageSize, // original image: source &convMatrix[0][0][0], matrix1Step, matrixSize, // convolution matrix pDestImage.get (), imageStep, // ...
command not found Linux检测远程服务器端口的几种方法 Nginx中autoindex的具体使用 linux终端操作快捷键 mysql出现ERROR : (2006, MySQL server has gone away) 原因和解决方案 docker容器映射的端口无法用firewalld防火墙管理的问题 windows宝塔面板报错INIT_CSRF_ERR mysql报错 InnoDB: mmap(274726912 bytes) failed;...
Unfortunately the Windows C runtime’s lack of C99 compliance means that the format cannot be read correctly there in R before 3.1.2. The default for formatC(decimal.mark =) has been changed to be getOption("OutDec"); this makes it more consistent with format() and suitable for...
Tmux 简单介绍和使用 SQL Server 查询并发连接数的方法详解 nmon analyser使用中报错无法运行宏可能是因为该宏在此工作簿中不可用,或者所有的宏都被禁用的问题及解决办法 Linux工具之nethogs命令 windows下grep的安装与使用 nginx指定conf文件路径的方法详解 安装sql server 2008 R2提示未指定 INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR命令行值...