The iconv_getnextcodesetname() function takes a location argument initially a pointer to an int of value zero and returns the alias and Windows description for that codeset entry, while updating the index to allow a subsequent call to find the next entry. It is a non-standard interface to...
Just open the iterm2 console, and this error will show up. Expected behavior Normal console without error message. Screenshots and recordings No response OS / Linux distribution Mac 14.5 Zsh version 5.9 Terminal emulator iTersm2 If using WSL on Windows, which version of WSL None Additional contex...
2016-01-16 17:24 −iconv是将一种编码格式转换为还有一种编码格式的开源库,比如能够把Windows环境下通用的ASCii(中文是GB2312)编码转换为国际通用的Unicode编码 iconv最新版本号仅仅支持MingW和Cygwin编译 1. 下载 iconv 库并解压,眼下最... blfshiye ...
D:\SDK\ndk\25.1.8937393\toolchains\llvm\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin\clang++.exe --target=x86_64-none-linux-android23 --sysroot=D:/SDK/ndk/25.1.8937393/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/sysroot -DDAILY_BUILD -DQGC_APP_NAME="QGroundControl" -DQGC_APP_VERSION_STR="latest-111-...
Download msys-iconv-2.dll LGPLed libiconv for Windows NT 2000 XP Vista 7 and Windows 95 98 ME version 32bit.
I don't understand this... I've debugged extconf.rb and only included my lib / header paths that I KNOW are there... and I run ruby extconf.rb while puts dir_config('iconv', HEADER_DIRS, LIB_DIRS) and puts "lookup in " + "'#{HEADER_DIRS...