If you’ve playedOverwatchbefore, the basics ofMarvel Rivalswill be instantly clear. Characters all have different roles within the wider team composition and unique abilities to help their team get an edge in battle. Doctor Strange can create portals for teams to travel and attack through. Lok...
LokiSeason 2's penultimate episode added another magical ability to the god of mischief's already impressive arsenal. Loki (Tom Hiddleston) gaining control over histime-slipping conditionlets him rewrite history. In this second swing at a redemption arc for the MCU mainstay, the reformed villain ...
The movie is the first half of a two-part series, but it doesn't feel like it has a beginning. Infinity War starts midway through a larger conflict, as Thanos and his goons destroy Thor's ship. It's an interesting opening, but it fails to provide the narrativ...
Central Florida felt about as far from the Ivy League as humanly possible, but we had lakes all over the damn place (which explained why my next-door neighbor once brought home a live alligator and attempted to release it into his swimming pool), so crew teams were common. Once a year ...
Loki has always fetched the ire of the character’s fans, as he’s been the most popular villain in theMarvel Cinematic Universe. So much so, that his Disney+Lokiseries is going to follow his exploits. However, from an impartial standpoint, Loki might just be the worst character there is...
On the other hand, multi-rail PSUs have more than one 12V rail, which protects against overloading. Single-rail power supplies only have one 12V rail, which makes them more efficient and easier to work with.If you want the best and are willing to spend a little more, you should get ...
After the success of Wandavision, The Falcon And The Winter Soldier is currently getting huge numbers for the streamer. The next MCU series also looks to be just as interesting, if not more so. The new Loki official trailer gives audiences a lot more story while ...
On the very last day of filming on the first season of the Marvel Disney+ TV seriesLoki, executive producer Kevin Wright sat on the steps of The Citadel at the End of Time with costar Sophia Di Martino (Sylvie), and they started to chat about what might be next for her character. Not...
The movie is the first half of a two-part series, but it doesn't feel like it has a beginning. Infinity War starts midway through a larger conflict, as Thanos and his goons destroy Thor's ship. It's an interesting opening, but it fails to provide the narrative...
You enable structured metadata in the Loki config.yaml file. yaml limits_config:allow_structured_metadata:truevolume_enabled:trueretention_period:672h# 28 days retention You can disable Structured Metadata by settingallow_structured_metadata: falsein thelimits_configsection or set the command line argu...