One of the most unexpected offerings from the MCU's first slate of shows on Disney+ is a miniseries centered around Loki, the trickster god, played by Tom Hiddleston. Not only did the character act as a villain for much of the run of the MCU, but he also died at the hands of Thanos...
is “the end for us,” as far as he and the creative team are concerned. He added that it was “the last time people will see this team of Guardians.” That could mean that there will be a Vol. 4 at some point with a different group of heroes, or even some returning heroes with...
The TVA’s inclusion in this series is a stroke of genius, creating an apparatus [that] excises Loki from the main MCU (and dodges the usual “why don’t Hawkeye or the Eternals help out?” moans) while also creating a vast fantasy/sci-fi playground of all time and space for Hiddlest...
Thomas was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor in a Series, Miniseries or Television Film for his role in the television film Indictment: The McMartin Trial. Over the last few years, Thomas has started collaborated with writer/director Mike Flanagan. Thomas has partnered...
but they were all more or less supporting characters and sidekicks until their TV series; Loki was the main villain of several movies, includingThe Avengers, which is still the eighth highest grossing movie worldwide in history. Plus,Lokihad a killer cliffhanger to start on fromAvengers: Endgam...
Related: Harbard's True Vikings Identity Was Odin Or Loki - Theory ExplainedVikings brought the arcs of its main characters to an end and mostly left no loose ends, but this world will continue to be explored in the sequel series Vikings: Valhalla. Set a century after the events of the ...
animated series proceeded in similar fashion. There was some very entertaining episodes, like “What If... the World Lost Its Mightiest Heroes?” a whodunit involving the original Avengers getting bumped off one by one. Then there were others, like the one about the “Party Thor,” that was...
Pettyfer would first return to the sci-fi genre with the 2018 Netflix miniseriesThe I-Land, in which a group of people awaken on a deserted tropical island with no memory of who they are or how they got there. Unlike his prior genre efforts, the show was widely panned by critics and ...
So disjointed, awkward, and ugly, you’d swear Marvel was caught totally by surprise whenIron Manbecame a smash and they rushed this into production. Loki has never committed a crime as bad as the casting of Tim Roth as the world’s ultimate soldier (who turns into a big bony turd mons...
So disjointed, awkward, and ugly, you’d swear Marvel was caught totally by surprise whenIron Manbecame a smash and they rushed this into production. Loki has never committed a crime as bad as the casting of Tim Roth as the world’s ultimate soldier (who turns into a big bony turd mons...