Usually, every developer needs access to the server and host for database and backend service creation and maintenance. Hence, having a backend developer and a frontend developer is necessary to build applications. It is true even for smaller applications where the backend and frontend have to coo...
PearAI backend is a Python Flask server with Supabase database Logging/Telemetry is done with Axiom License Pear OSS is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details. Contact For any questions or issues, please open an issue or reach out in the PearAIDiscord. ...
🔗 supabase backend - baas - database - opensource - javascript Supabase is an open-source alternative to Firebase, offering a real-time PostgreSQL database and RESTful API, along with user management, authentication, file storage, and database triggers features, all hosted on your own infrastr...
4. Supabase Supabasehas presented itself as an open-source Firebase alternative since the beginning. This backend development platform was released in 2020. However, its user-friendly interface and dev support for 20+ frameworks and embeddings made it popular in a short period of time. Right now,...
* 🧠 I'm learning Go (backend) * 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on flutter, react, nextjs, vue, nodejs, nestjs, supabase etc projects Did you knowJSON is a valid syntax in YAML? Since YAML is an extension of JSON, its specification supports JSON syntax too All of the YAML parser...
Developers don’t need to code backend features like databases, user authentication, storage, and others. This makes development fast as developers mainly focus on the application frontend. Examples of providers offering BaaS, are Firebase, SupaBase, and AWS Amplify. Function as a Service (FaaS):...
supabase-web @redwoodjs/cli @redwoodjs/codemods @redwoodjs/core @redwoodjs/eslint-config @redwoodjs/internal @redwoodjs/prerender @redwoodjs/record @redwoodjs/router @redwoodjs/structure @redwoodjs/telemetry @redwoodjs/testing @redwoodjs/web @remotion/google-fonts @salesforce/cli @salto-io/cli ...
For a complete example, refer to the custom widgets example. Upload to Firebase or Supabase Firebase example ProImageEditor.asset( 'assets/demo.png', callbacks: ProImageEditorCallbacks( onImageEditingComplete: (bytes) async { try { String path = 'your-storage-path/my-image-name.jpg'; ...
Backend: PostgreSQL, Supabase, Drizzle, Server Actions Auth: Clerk Payments: Stripe Prerequisites You will need accounts for the following services. They all have free plans that you can use to get started. Create a Cursor account Create a GitHub account Create a Supabase account Create a Clerk...
I was having a kinda of a similar issue where I only send the access_token to the backend and I would just have RLS problems when communicating with the supabase db. Because the only way to set the session in the backend is by using theset_sessionfunction where you have to pass both ...