1)如果您已经有一个表,请使用此脚本(由 Supabase 开发人员自己提供): createextensionifnotexistsmoddatetimeschemaextensions;-- assuming the table name is "todos", and a timestamp column "updated_at"-- this trigger will set the "updated_at" column to the current timestamp for every updatecreatetr...
20postgres=> update public.profiles set updated_at=now(); 21UPDATE 0 -- anon users cannot update any profile but see all of them 22postgres=> table public.profiles; 23 id | updated_at | username | full_name | avatar_url | website ...
1CREATE TABLE "public"."school" ( 2 "id" BIGINT NOT NULL, 3 "updated_at" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, 4 "schoolName" TEXT NOT NULL, 5 CONSTRAINT "school_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id"), 6 CONSTRAINT "school_schoolName_key" UNIQUE ("schoolName") 7); 8INSERT INTO "public"."sc...
updated_at: new Date().toISOString(), }) if (error) throw error alert('Profile updated!') } catch (error) { alert('Error updating the data!') } finally { setLoading(false) } } return ( <Avatar uid={user?.id ?? null} url={avatar_url} size={150} onUpload={(url) => { ...
factor_type factor_type status factor_status created_at DateTime @db.Timestamptz(6) updated_at DateTime @db.Timestamptz(6) secret String? mfa_challenges mfa_challenges[] users users @relation(fields: [user_id], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, onUpdate: NoAction) @@index([user_id,...
Have both@supabase/supabase-jsandgrammyinstalled Have a defined table for sessions in supabase will the following informations: idas a primary key of typevarchar, cannot be null sessionastext. Make it nullable. You could also addcreated_atandupdated_atto keep track of changes. ...
_105 updated_at: new Date(), _105 } _105 _105 const { error } = await supabase.from('profiles').upsert(updates) _105 _105 if (error) { _105 alert(error.message) _105 } else { _105 setAvatarUrl(avatarUrl) _105 } _105 setLoading(false) _105 } _105 _105 return ( _105...
Where the set argument is a key value pair describing the values to update, filter controls which records should be updated, and atMost restricts the maximum number of records that may be impacted. If the number of records impacted by the mutation exceeds the atMost parameter the operation ...
updated_attimestampwithtimezone, 5 usernametextunique, 6 avatar_urltext, 7 websitetext, 8 9 primary key (id), 10 unique(username), 11 constraint username_length check (char_length(username) >=3) 12 ); 13 14 altertableprofiles enable row level security; ...