4 A dish is filled with agar jelly containing starch. Four holes are cut in the jelly and each hole is filled as shown.After 30 minutes, which hole will be surrounded by the largest area without starch?A amylase solution Agastric protease amylase solution and solution and DB hydrochloric aci...
What is the significance of finding pink colonies growing on MacConkey agar from a water sample? What is gel electrophoresis and why is it useful? Define a differential medium, and discuss its purpose. Define a selective medium, and describe its uses. Why is MacConkey agar selective, as well ...
MacConkey agar is a selective and differential culture medium. It is selective because it contains crystal violet and bile salts which inhibit the growth of Gram-positive bacteria, therefore selecting for the growth of Gram-negative bacteria. It is also differential be...
The cotton rat (genus Sigmodon) is an essential small animal model for the study of human infectious disease and viral therapeutic development. However, the impact of the host microbiome on infection outcomes has not been explored in this model, partly d
India Stem, root Infusion, Starch from stem, Juice/combination with others drugs Tonic, Nutritive and digestive, Snake bite and scorpion sting Fevers, asthma, diabetes, dyspepsia, jaundice, urinary problems, skin diseases and chronic diarrhea and dysentery, heart diseases, leprosy, helmenthiasis and...
Rincones RE, Yu S, Pedersen M (1993) Effect of dark treatment on the starch degradation and the agar quality of cultivated Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis (Rhodophyta, Gracilariales) from Venezuela. Hydrobiologia 260/261: 633-640.Rincones R E, Shukun Yu & Marianne Pedersen. Effect of dark ...
In both genera, the cytoplasm contains starch granules and digestive vacuoles. Piscinoodinium spp. also have peripheral cytoplasmic chloroplasts. Diagnosis is achieved by identification of the parasites in wet mounts of gill biopsies and skin scrapes or in histological sections. Trophozoites detach ...
Fosfazinomycin and kinamycin are natural products that contain nitrogen–nitrogen (N–N) bonds but that are otherwise structurally unrelated. Despite their considerable structural differences, their biosynthetic gene clusters share a set of genes predict
Is MacConkey agar a selective medium or a differential medium? How do you know? 1. Define a differential medium. What is its purpose? 2. Define a selective medium. What are its uses? 3. Why is MacConkey agar selective as well as differential? 4. Why is blood agar useful as a pr...
In chemistry, maltose refers to a type of sugar. Maltose is also called malt sugar. Maltoses appear commonly in starch, a common storage format for plants. Certain seeds produce maltose, resulting in its being named after malt. Answer and Explanation: ...