Pain is an emotionStephen L. Macknik
【题目】 Fear is an emotion lik e others such a s happiness , anger , hurt , sadness . W e nee d emotions to process information w e receiv e an d decid e how to respon d . Being afrai d o f fast cars , for exampl e , is something tha t might protect us from harm. ...
我们的行为永远无法真正改变事情--无论是自然灾害还是其他人对我们的行为。 So Stoics believe anger is always wrong, since it causes pain and is ultimately futile. 因此,斯多葛学派认为愤怒总是错误的,因为它会导致痛苦,并且最终是徒劳的。 The 8th century Indian Buddhist philosopher Santideva also questioned...
Emotion: Supportive, empowering, approachable. Flexibility: Adapt voice and visuals for different social platforms while maintaining core brand elements. Competitive awareness: Regularly monitor competitor branding and identify opportunities to differentiate. Employee involvement: Engage employees in branding throu...
flat kind of emotion or whether feeling agitated and restless counts as boredom, too. In his book, Boredom: A Lively History, Peter Toohey at the University of Calgary, Canada, compares it to disgust – an emotion that motivates us to stay away from certain situations. ‘If disgust protects...
Fear is an emotion like others such as happiness, anger, hurt, sadness. We need emotions to process information we receive and decide how to respond. Being afraid of fast cars, for example, is something that might protect us from harm. Being afraid of the consequence of a choice may ...
Love has been experienced as being the very notes of song, uplifting and generous to the wanting ear. Love has been experienced as the final act of giving one’s life for another in battle. Love has been experienced as an endless passionate over flow ...
Everybody's going to experience loss of a loved one during their lifetime. My activist mindset was knowing that all of that pain and that loss and that sadness was undergirded by love for these people, and that was my activist mindset. I brought that beautiful, helpful, almost life-savin...
Fear is an emotion like others such as happiness, anger, hurt and sadness. We need emotions to process information we receive and decide how to respond. Being afraid of fast cars, for example, is something that might protect us from harm. Being afraid of the consequence of a choice may ...