在C和C++编程中,遇到“expression is not an integer constant expression”这个错误通常意味着编译器期望一个整型常量表达式,但实际上得到的是一个非常量表达式。下面我将逐一回答你的问题: 1. 解释“integer constant expression”的含义 整数常量表达式(Integer Constant Expression)是在编译时就能完全确定的整数表达式。
如果打开注释的那一块代码会报一个错误提醒Expression is not an integer constant expression GlogConfig.h中声明的pram(extern NSInteger const pram;)对外是一个全局不可变的一个变量. 我们在GlogConfig.m中对pram进行了初始值进行定义(const NSInteger pram = 0x11;),这里parm是一个局部常量不可变的. 然而为什...
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int limitUsernames = 0, limitPasswords = 0, lastUsername = 0, lastPassword = 0; string loggedUsernames[limitUsernames], log
If you set the value of the constant in the .m, it is not visible by other translation units that only include the .h file. The value of the constant must be known at compile time to be able to be used in a case within a switch. 意思是:当使用extern在.h中声明常量,在.m中给该常...
float float_array[array_const[2]]; // Throws an error "array bound is not an int main() {} integer constant" 2) int char_array = 126; //ok int glob_array[char_array]; // Throws an error "array bound is not an integer int main() {} constant" Above pice of the code (...
编译出现了[Error] array bound is not an integer constant before ']' token; 只需要将int N=100修改为const intN = 100 即可版权声明:本文为m0_37874102原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明。 本文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/m0_37874102/article/details/115631706智...
t869a.c:2:12: warning: expression is not an integer constant expression Actual diagnostics: <nothing> Version: 19.29.30133 for x64 C11, 6.6 Constant expressions, 6 (emphasis added): An integer constant expression117) shall have integer type and shall only have operands that are in...
cout << "input an interge:"; cin >> h; cout << h << endl; const int kl = h; char buf[kl]; typedef struct tmpStru{ char field[kl]; // 即使在上面声明了 kl 为 const int,这边也是无法编译过去的 }tmpStru; 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 halloowween 粉丝- 0 关注- 3 ...
Hi. I have a compilation error in the master branch of kfr. On an attempt to use the DFT with Linux and gcc 7.1.1, the following error is produced: thirdparty/kfr/include/kfr/base/simd_intrin.hpp: In instantiation of ‘struct kfr::vec<flo...
lib/pthread/libstdc++.a /opt/freeware/lib/libatomic.a -o simple_test In file included from simple_test.cpp:3:0: ../../catch2/catch.hpp:3404:51: error: requested alignment is not an integer constant alignas(alignof(T)) char storage[sizeof(T)]; ^ gmake: *** [simple_test] Error ...