如果打开注释的那一块代码会报一个错误提醒Expression is not an integer constant expression GlogConfig.h中声明的pram(extern NSInteger const pram;)对外是一个全局不可变的一个变量. 我们在GlogConfig.m中对pram进行了初始值进行定义(const NSInteger pram = 0x11;),这里parm是一个局部常量不可变的. 然而为什...
If you set the value of the constant in the .m, it is not visible by other translation units that only include the .h file. The value of the constant must be known at compile time to be able to be used in a case within a switch. 意思是:当使用extern在.h中声明常量,在.m中给该常...
t869a.c:2:12: warning: expression is not an integer constant expression Actual diagnostics: <nothing> Version: 19.29.30133 for x64 C11, 6.6 Constant expressions, 6 (emphasis added): An integer constant expression117) shall have integer type and shall only have operands that are integer...
I'm prepping for an upgrade from Fedora 22 to Fedora 24 and ran into this issue during initial bundle install. We use puppet to manage our server deploys and all gems install successfully on Fedora 22. current directory: /home/capistrano...
time is not a reserved keyword, nor are any type names. So you can use it to confuse yourself thoroughly (and it works because VHDL is all context driven) signal time : std_logic; signal std_logic : integer range 0 to 153; signal integer : real range -0.1 to 100.66; Translate...
If the expression does not qualify for the preceding list of requirements, remove it from the constraint list. If the expression refers to an interface or class, verify that the compiler has access to that interface or class. You might need to qualify its name, and you might need t...
// When the block expression is executed, // it returns the value of the last expression in the sequence. BlockExpression blockExpr = Expression.Block( Expression.Call( null, typeof(Console).GetMethod("Write", new Type[] { typeof(String) }), Expression.Constant("Hello ") ), Expression...
I have a series of if statements that take care of padding (so that the resulting string is always a certain length but as soon as I change: resulting_string <= integer'image(87465); to: resulting_string <= integer'image(some_int_var); I get an "Expression is ...
If left.Type and right.Type are assignable to the corresponding argument types of the implementing method, the node is not lifted. The type of the node is the return type of the implementing method. If the following two conditions are satisfied, the node is lifted and the type of the node...
If the integer-expression value does not correspond to a SELECT list item, NULL is returned. 如果没有与整数表达式值相对应的SELECT列表项,则返回NULL。 www.ianywhere.com 2. Integer-expression The position in the select list of the desired expression. integer-expression所求的表达式在选择列表中的位...