ubuntu/linux Sorry, user xxx is not allowed to execute '/bin/su' as root on Internal. 创建了新账号,使用sudo提示错误信息: Sorry, user xxxisnotallowed to execute'/bin/su'as root on Internal. 解决办法: 检查vim /etc/sudoers中 ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL书写正确 root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL 修改/etc...
没有设置管理员,就是此用户没有加入到 /etc/sudoers 当中。在 sudoers 当中的用户可以用“sudo + 命令”来以 root 身份运行命令。不需要输入 root 密码,输入当前用户的密码即可。 回复 2020-03-08 17:36:26 提问者 慕后端2033046 回复 Oscar #2 老师的意思是现在我的用户就已经是管理员了对吧。那这个主...
ubuntu/linux Sorry, user xxx is not allowed to execute '/bin/su' as root on Internal 2018-08-14 10:34 −... 小和尚我不念经 0 6595 Host is not allowed to connect to this MySQL 2019-12-20 15:32 −今天买了的百度BCC云服务器,兴冲冲的就去服务器上装IIS,还有MySQL,IIS很顺利就装上...
ubuntu/linux Sorry, user xxx is not allowed to execute '/bin/su' as root on Internal. 创建了新账号,使用sudo提示错误信息: {代码...} 解决办法: 检...
SUDO returns a list of allowed command: Raw $ sudo -l User bob may run the following commands on host: (root) su - jane When userbobruns the command, below error is returned: Raw $ sudo su - jane Sorry, user bob is not allowed to execute '/bin/su - jane' as root on host.exa...
/etc/securetty allows you to specify on which tty's and virtual consoles root is allowed to login. The tty and vc's listed in this file will allow root to login on certain tty's and VC's. On other tty or vc's root user will not be allowed and user has to "...
Root of the git repository contains a Makefile with convenient shortcuts for frequent build targets used in development. To build h2o.jar while skipping tests and also the building of alternative assemblies, execute make To build h2o.jar using the minimal assembly, run make minimal The minimal...
Is there a way to enforce the password policy/complexity on root user in RHEL7? enforce_for_root option isn't recognized/identified in RHEL7. enforce_for_root option isn't working as expected in RHEL7, getting the following error in /var/log/secure: Raw Nov 9 00:37:05 rhel7 passwd:...
如果你在使用 Linux 时,输入 sudo apt apdate 命令后提示 xx is not in the files,这种情况下肯定是无法继续以管理员身份使用系统了,那么如何解决这个问题呢?本篇文章就将带大家逐步解决!! 首先输入 su root 命令、输入密码、进入 root 用户 输入 ls –l /etc/sudoers 命令查看 /etc/sudoers 文件权限,如果...
切换用户报错 su Module is unknown 11. 发现问题 安全加固后的虚拟机使用普通用户登陆,然后切换到 root 用户的时候有如下报错 复制 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ su rootPassword:su:Module is unknown 2. 查找错误 查看/var/log/secure 文件有如下错误, 找不到库文件 pam_tally.so...