针对你遇到的错误信息 "is not allowed to execute '/bin/bash' as root",这通常表明你的系统或配置阻止了以 root 用户身份执行 /bin/bash。以下是一些可能的解决步骤和考虑因素: 理解错误信息: 错误信息明确指出了尝试以 root 用户执行 /bin/bash 时被拒绝。 检查系统安全策略: 某些系统(特别是企业环境或...
ubuntu/linux Sorry, user xxx is not allowed to execute '/bin/su' as root on Internal. 创建了新账号,使用sudo提示错误信息: Sorry, user xxxisnotallowed to execute'/bin/su'as root on Internal. 解决办法: 检查vim /etc/sudoers中 ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL书写正确 root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL 修改/etc...
没有设置管理员,就是此用户没有加入到 /etc/sudoers 当中。在 sudoers 当中的用户可以用“sudo + 命令”来以 root 身份运行命令。不需要输入 root 密码,输入当前用户的密码即可。 回复 2020-03-08 17:36:26 提问者 慕后端2033046 回复 Oscar #2 老师的意思是现在我的用户就已经是管理员了对吧。那这个主...
but now when user deploy going to create any directory/files under /opt/lampp/htdocs, is giving the below error Sorry, user is not deploy allowed to execute '/bin/mkdir 1' as root on localhost Please let me know how to fix this. ...
Required String parameter 'XXX' is not present 2019-12-18 14:11 −环境: springboot 1.5.13.RELEASE 问题: 页面post请求 报错:Required String parameter 'XXX' is not present 解决之路: 笔者在controller里打了debugger,当参数过大时进入不了,但post参数... ...
SUDO returns a list of allowed command: Raw $ sudo -l User bob may run the following commands on host: (root) su - jane When userbobruns the command, below error is returned: Raw $ sudo su - jane Sorry, user bob is not allowed to execute '/bin/su - jane' as root on host.exa...
ubuntu/linux Sorry, user xxx is not allowed to execute '/bin/su' as root on Internal. 创建了新账号,使用sudo提示错误信息: {代码...} 解决办法: 检...
Please contact ECS Service.[2021/11/17 02:05:56 GMT+0800] [ERROR] Root Cause message:RuntimeException: Shell script job execute failed. Please contact ECS Service. 确认其ECS的sshd_config参数如下。 原因分析:由于ssh session超时断开了,因此Shell节点失败。
Root of the git repository contains a Makefile with convenient shortcuts for frequent build targets used in development. To build h2o.jar while skipping tests and also the building of alternative assemblies, execute make To build h2o.jar using the minimal assembly, run make minimal The minimal...
you must install the hotfix on all domain controllers that you might use to take over this role if the current PDC emulator operations master role holder becomes unavailable. If you are not sure of the domain controller you would use to take over the role, we recommend that you co...