tensorboardを実行するとエラー`ERROR rustboard_core::disk_logdir] Log directory outputs/xxx is not a prefix of run directory`と出る場合の解決策 例えば以下の通り実行すると、、 tensorboard --logdir outputs/2022-02-11-14-15/tensorboard/events.out.tfevents.1644556551.seigonoMacBook-puro-3868.l...
Running tensorboard prompts Error: logging folder does not exist or does not contain logs. Author IAFFeng commented Aug 2, 2024 Previous versions can run without loading logs Owner bmaltais commented Aug 2, 2024 Is this while running the version in the master branch? I have done significant...
Is the issue that the logdirectory is using the unix-style./with forward slash to indicate the current directory, while the user is on a Windows OS system? Also, as a note, the projector plugin does not require event files of the typical sort. Here is the output from our projector demo...
首先,你需要检查当前环境中是否已安装TensorBoard,以及安装的版本是否满足YOLOv5的要求(即版本是否大于等于2.4.1)。你可以通过以下命令来检查TensorBoard的版本: bash pip show tensorboard 如果TensorBoard已安装,该命令将显示TensorBoard的详细信息,包括版本号。如果TensorBoard未安装,或者安装的版本低于2.4.1,你需要进行安...
ValueError: GetLogdirSubdirectories: path exists and is not a directory,使用Tensorboard出现这个错误,说明你把--logdir的目录具体到了一个文件,所以删掉后面的文件就可以了
builtins.ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'openvino.runtime'; 'openvino' is not a package error. I'm using Ubuntu 20.04, Python 3.8.10 and OpenVINO 2023.0.0. Can you tell me what is wrong? How to make the import work? I do not use any kind of vir...
MetaGraph is more suitable for my structure instead of 1.checkpoint, with the reason that I have just these files in my train folder: model_name.meta model_name.index model_name.data-00000-of-00001 Unfortunately I do not have checkpoint_file.ckpt file in my ...
directory '/var/lib/rpcbind' does not exist| |[I80EUM](https://gitee.com/src-openEuler/dde-calendar/issues/I80EUM)|【23.09 round3】【arm/x86】dde-calendar和dtkwm存在安装冲突| @@ -606,11 +606,11 @@ |[I82CDX](https://gitee.com/src-openEuler/python-tensorboard/issues/I82CDX)|【23.09...
out_prefix: str 根据训练,需要修改 log_tensorboard: bool 是否生成日志文件 Return: pb模型文件 """ ifos.path.exists(output_dir)==False: os.mkdir(output_dir) out_nodes=[] foriinrange(len(h5_model.outputs)): out_nodes.append(out_prefix+str(i+1)) ...
If my file structure under directory "plugins_dir" is: and i run command "tensorboard --logdir plugins_dir/ --bind_all", it can work, but if the file structure under directory "plugins_dir" is changed as: where there is no directory named "plugins", it will fail even though i used...