文化是一个国家、一个民族的灵魂。文化兴国运兴,文化强民族强。Culture is a country’s and a nation’s soul. Our country
China is a nation of tea.The country's history of tea is almost as long as the history of China (1)___(it).Chinese people started appreciating tea about 5,000 years ago. Originally,tea(2)___(value) for its medicinal qualities.It has long been known that tea aids in digestion,(...
在国外呆了多年以后,他想回到自己的祖国去。 country 来源于拉丁文contra,是对立的意思,即某地区与其他地区极不相同从而独立存在。 nation指在某一国土上定居的人民,以及代表他们的独立政权。 nation 来源于拉丁文nasci,意思是出生,nation原指具有相同血源的民族,因此它强调一个国家中的人民,概念较country 狭窄。 ...
江山就是人民,人民就是江山。 The country is its people, the people are the country. 这句话贴着字面直译。其实在去年“七一勋章”颁授仪式上的讲话中,也出现了这句话,个人认为当时的翻译更好: The nation is composed of people, and people are all that mat...
表示“国家”的 nation 的内涵是生活在同一片土地上,有共同语言、共同文化的一群人所组成的国家,是民族意义上的国家。前面提到的“整个国家都在关注这一事件”可以翻译为 The whole nation is paying attention to this event.再比如一老外夸中国是一个伟大的国家,说 China is a great country,侧重夸这个国家的...
五、完形填空。根据短文内容,从短文后面各小题所给的 A、 B 、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Chin a is a nation
Chin a is a nation (民族) o f etiquett e (礼仪). Chines e peopl e ar e among th e most hospitabl e (好客的) peopl e in th e world. I f foreignersvisit a Chines e family, they will be surprised at th e warmth that they will receiv e as guests.When you visit a Chine...
请看以下短文,三、阅读 Britain is not just one country and one people,even if some of its inhabitants think so.Britain is,in fact,a nation which can be divided into several separate parts,each part being an individual country with its own la
选词填空 country/nation/state/land 1)Large shouldn’t absorb smaller ones.大国不应当吞并小国. 2)China is a great socialist .中国是一个伟大的社会主义国家. 3)Railways are owned by the .铁路归国家所有. 4)He has visited many distant .他到