当遇到“svn is locked in another working copy”的问题时,可以按照以下步骤来解决: 1. 确认SVN锁定状态 首先,需要确认文件或目录确实被锁定了。可以使用svn status命令来查看当前工作副本的状态。如果文件被锁定,状态信息中会包含(locked)字样。 bash svn status 2. 查找哪个工作副本持有锁 要查找哪个工作副本持...
TortoiseSVN提交报错 TortoiseSVN is locked in another working copy 原因:可能是因为打开了多个commit会话,然后又去修改了提交文件的内容,导致文件锁掉一直提交不了。 尝试:删除该文件并更新,clean up都不行 解决:右键进入Repo brower => break lock就可以了...
使用SVN时,由于各种失误操作导致文件不能上传,且报错“File ‘xxxx’ is locked in another working copy”。当“release lock”也失效时,可采用以下方式处理: 选中文件,单击右键,选择“Get Lock”,并勾选 ‘Steal The L... 查看原文 异常:Attempted to lock an already-locked dir svn: ...
commit的时候会提示如下ERROR:Commit failed (details follow):svn: E195022: File 'xxxx' is locked in another working copy svn: E170007: No lock on path 'xxxx'(Status 423 on PUT Request)svn: E175002: Server sent unexpected return value (423 Locked) in response to PUT request fo...
TortoiseSVN is locked in another working copy 问题:SVN提交代码时候总提示失败信息:is locked in another working copy, 尝试方案:使用 get lock,release lock,clean up完全没有作用,甚至使用了 revert后再修改提交还是一样的错误。 最终解决方案: 第一步: 第二步:根据错误提示到具体的文件下:...
File 'xxxx' is locked in another working copy commit的时候会提示如下ERROR: Commit failed (details follow): svn: E195022: File 'xxxx' is locked in another working copy svn: E170007: No lock on path 'xxxx' (Status 423 on PUT Request)...
解决mac下svn working copy locked的问题 网上解决这个问题的方法很多,我这里推荐一个最简单的方法: 1.首先定位到报错的文件夹下面,找到.svn文件夹,当然这个文件夹默认下都是隐藏的,可以在终端窗口执行:defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool true(相应的隐藏文件的命令只需把true改为false即可...
If you need to make changes in the file right away, you can useFile > Save Asto create a new copy of the file, and make your changes in your copy. You'll then need to reconcile your changes with those made by others in their copies. ...
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