当遇到“svn is locked in another working copy”的问题时,可以按照以下步骤来解决: 1. 确认SVN锁定状态 首先,需要确认文件或目录确实被锁定了。可以使用svn status命令来查看当前工作副本的状态。如果文件被锁定,状态信息中会包含(locked)字样。 bash svn status 2. 查找哪个工作副本持有锁 要查找哪个工作副本持...
TortoiseSVN提交报错 TortoiseSVN is locked in another working copy 原因:可能是因为打开了多个commit会话,然后又去修改了提交文件的内容,导致文件锁掉一直提交不了。 尝试:删除该文件并更新,clean up都不行 解决:右键进入Repo brower => break lock就可以了 ——— 版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「thankjj20160909」的...
问题:SVN提交代码时候总提示失败信息:is locked in another working copy, 尝试方案:使用 get lock,release lock,clean up完全没有作用,甚至使用了 revert后再修改提交还是一样的错误。 最终解决方案: 第一步: 第二步:根据错误提示到具体的文件下:
1 . is locked in another working copy solution: 1. open CMD, 2. switch to the related SVN path 3.execute del lock /q/s if the error still exits, then try the method below: If you are Windows guy and using "Tortoise SVN' user. Select the File. Right Click. Option 'Tortoise SVN'...
svn:E195022:File'文件路径'is Locked in another working copy 2.然后又很白痴了一把,以为是本地已有一份文件的缘故,于是没有三思就将已修复的项目删除了,然后再重新上传,发现问题依然,当时心已悔,因为已修复的代码都被自己给删了。 3.我是打不死的小强,再接再厉,可能这个工作区间有问题,就切换了工作区间...
File is locked either by another user or in another working copy. This appears only when --show-updates is used. T File was locked in this working copy, but the lock has been “stolen” and is invalid. The file is currently locked in the repository. This appears only when --show-upda...
File is locked in this working copy. 'O' File is locked either by another user or in another working copy. This appears only when--show-updates(-u) is used. 'T' File was locked in this working copy, but the lock has been“stolen”and is invalid. The file is currently locked in ...
svn file lock 最近开发项目提交文件后遇到: Transmitting file data .svn: E195022: Commit failed (details follow): svn: E195022: File '/web/webcode/app/api/controller/delivery.php' is locked in another working copy svn: E170007: No lock on path '/store/!svn/wrk/7bca1901-6d5b-402d-9...
问题11:Attempted to lock an already-locked dir is not under version control I deleted the log file in the .svn directory (I also deleted the offending file in .svn/props-base) Then did a cleanup.. Then resumed my update. 问题12:svn: warning: 'xxxxx' is already under version control ...
Lock a file in your working copy that is currently locked by another user: $ svn lock tree.jpg svn: warning: W160035: Path '/tree.jpg is already locked by user 'sally' in fi lesystem '/var/svn/repos/db' $ svn lock --force tree.jpg 'tree.jpg' locked by user 'harry'. Lock...