First things first, we meet with my old arch nemesis, The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, and get that out of the way. I must admit that my stomach bouncing tolerance is not what it was in 1994, but worth it to explain that Rod Serling wasn’t just some random fella chosen to be i...
I have made a resolution for 2021. I have resolved to put myself first. I don’t typically do this and it’s actually quite hard for me. I always put others before myself. What this looks like for me will be to work on setting healthy boundaries with people; family, romantic interes...
Btw, in a February 2, 2023, appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Pedro recalled the hilarious experience of having forgotten he'd gotten the role after taking an Ambien. "I get a call that I got the job after I took the Ambien, and so I was excited I guess, but I...
But when it’s bed time, Igo to bed. I have a tendency to get off of a long flight without internet and think I need to clear my mind, so I check in on e-mail and work and that just sets my mind racing with a million things. So it’s a bad idea. When arrivin...
Don't mix it with any other depressants, such as alcohol or over-the-counter sleeping pills. Mixing the two can up your chances of walking or eating in your sleep. Take Ambien only when you're home and ready to fall asleep to avoid nodding off behind the wheel, at the sink or in ...
they get points they get wrong they give us they give you they glisten with gra they got the numbers they got weird feelin they had be amazed to they had thought go t they have a level they have a queen they have discovered they have long ago fo they have made it they have stricken...
ambassadresses ambatoarinite ancylit ambatondrazaka mg ambedkar amber acidsuccinic ac amber allen pitt mead amber crystals amber su re or amber-b amberg ue eig geo amberstill ranch ambiciÓn f ambidextrous administ ambien cialis xanax c ambiencel curette ambienceual ambient lights ambient loops ...
When I say sleeping pills, I mean anything you take that sedates you so that you can sleep. Whether it's alcohol, Nyquil, Benadryl, Valium, Ambien, or what have you, these substances greatly disrupt your brain's natural sleep process. Have you ever noticed that sedatives can give you so...
It was also the last evening I had with a flushing toilet. We were all smiles the next morning as our group prepared to launch from the camp’s beach. The camp director was down to see us off and the canoe’s had been pre-loaded with food and rations from the main camp in heavy ...
Not drinking, as an activity or a lifestyle, is not something I’ve done much of over the past 12 years and spending the last 14 months living alone in the desert has brought this fact into a focus I can’t seem to get a proper handle on. It’s brought me to the beginning and ...