Sony announced on Wednesday that it is finallyextending cross-play forFortniteon PS4to include Xbox One and Nintendo Switch consoles. Previously, PS4 owners were only able to playFortnitewith Android, iOS, and PC gamers, but after completing a “comprehensive evaluation process,” Sony found a...
See how far up the Fortnite ranks you need to climb to be among the best Fortnite players at the top of the leaderboard. View Fortnite stats and rankings.
This cross-play controversy that began afterFortnite'srelease on the Switch has passed its peak—with PlayStation continuing to lead in sales, and making little effort to address the issue for months, it is fair for players to not expect any change of heart. But while the cries of consumer...
A recent discovery by a known leaker states that Epic Games is working on Fortnite’s First-Person mode, and there is already a lot of hype among fans of the game. Many Battle Royale players have wondered about the possibility of having a first-person mode on Fortnite, and if everyt...
Fortnite is one of those games that you can play on the go, play at home, play at home in another room, basically anywhere. Trouble is, with some games where you play on your PS4 and then switch over to your PC, your progress won’t carry over because of the different platforms. ...
Despite the popularity of the #RipFortnite hashtag,Fortniteisn’t going anywhere. It’s still an unbelievably popular game with no financial barrier to entry, and whether or not it’s the best it’s ever been, plenty of players will continue to log on just to spend time with their frie...
Is Fortnite free? The Battle Royale mode ofFortnite is freeto download and play on Xbox One, PS4, PC and iOS devices like the Apple iPhone and iPad. It features one mode and one map, and has more than 3.4 million concurrent players and 125 million total. That's the version of Fort...
Epic Games had to agree to pay the royalty fees in order to enable crossplay inFortniteon the PS4. Other leaked court documents include aninternal Xbox reviewofThe Last of Us Part IIthat was done by the Xbox Portfolio Team and thatDead Island 2andSaints Row 5...
Fortnite has become so popular and widespread that you can play it on almost every common platform. Users can select gameplay from computer systems, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and even Android. The only downside to these options is that some limit your access to content and featu...
Available on:PlayStation 4, Xbox One,Nintendo Switch, and PC. 2. Fortnite WhileFortniteis known for its battle royale mode, it also offers a cooperativeSave the Worldexperience. Its cross-platform support extends across all available systems, making it easy to connect with friends. ...