Fortnite - 42.66GB Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales - 52.56GB Sackboy: A Big Adventure - 30.44GB Watch Dogs Legion - 35.73GB Far Cry 6 - 90 GB TOTAL: 569.12 You can see how much PS5 storage space you have available by going through Settings > Storage > Console Storage, and by sel...
The Ship in a Bottle is one of the latest items players can collect inFortnitebattle royale. This bizarre creation is exactly what it sounds like: a ship that is trapped inside of a bottle. You might wonder why this item is so important, but there is so much more to it than meets t...
From3 to 5 p.m. ET, the nuke event, dubbed “The Destruction of Verdansk Part 1” was the only mode playable in “Warzone.” Unlike the “Fortnite” event, when no users could play the game for over a day, “Warzone” users still have access to Rebirth Island, which features a sm...
It supports Xbox One/PS4/Switch/PS3 Consoles, which use mouse and keyboard to play FPS games like PUBG, Fortnite on Xbox One/PS4/Switch/PS3 consoles.Unboxing and Review - Redragon K552 TKL Mechanical Gaming Keyboard22 related questions found Is Redragon Dragonborn hot swappable? Hot-...
Despite its various problems, Steam managed to cross one billion registered accounts in April. However, a viable competitor would soon emerge. Fuelled by the billions of dollars it made from Fortnite, Epic Games released and began pushing its own digital store. ...
DoesWuthering Waveshave modes on PlayStation? Out of options for now.. Screenshot by Dot Esports WhenWuthering Wavesarrives on PS5 and PS4,it’s unlikely the game will support mods. While this could change if the developers add native modding solutions to the game itself, I don’t expect ...
During E3, it emerged that players who had connected their PlayStation Network accounts to Fortnite were forever locked to that platform, despite the fact that mobile, PC, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch players were able to roam with their progress to any device of their choosing. The backlash ...
Friend 1:Nothing. I was wondering if you wanted to play someFortnight? Friend 2:You mean Fortnite?LOL! Sure! Let me finish up this last problem and I will get right on. Friend 1:Okay, I will see you when you get online then. ...
Is there proximity voice chat inThe Outlast Trials? The Outlast Trialsdoes have proximity chat, and it actually has a pretty elaborate version of this feature. When you’re close to your allies inco-op multiplayer, you can hear them super clearly, but as they move away, it switches from ...
This free-to-play business model set Fortnite apart from its peers and has proven to be one of the reasons for its success. In its first 10 months, it amassed an audience of 125 million players and netted $1.2 billion in revenue. When the Fortnite App launched on iPhone on April 1, ...