Tuesday the 21st I decided to start drinking coffee in hopes that I could start defecating like a normal person. It hasn’t started working yet so now I’m going to have stained teeth for nothing. My office was soon after ransacked by 7 large men who all looked much better before they...
The resulate was 3 straight losses ( post below ) and the game is unistalled once again 🤣 and back to counterstrike or Fortnite again and have some fun instead 🤣 So what is the lesson of tonight, well if iam placed on a bad server and my opponents are placed on a fast server...
Just tonight I was trying to take the goblin camp...I had the high ground with an 85% chance to hit using my Warlock’s Eldritch Blast. It missed 3 times in a row and when it finally connected it only did 3 damage. On the next turn a level 2 goblin from a lower position sniped...