Jonathan found Will struggling to hammer funny, and the two continued to built the fort even after it began raining and got sick afterwards. In 1983, Jonathan had picked up an extra shift and failed to make sure Will got home safe, causing Will to be abducted by the Demogorgon. When ...
This also applies to any new battle passes released in the future, including the Fortnite OG pass for the new permanentFortnite OGmodereleasing on December 6. Fortnite Crew, which launched in 2020, previously granted you access to that season’s Battle Royale pass, along with some goodies li...
Just in case it turns out to be the future of the Internet, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Tim Sweeney of Epic Games/Fortnite, and even Jay-Z (!) want their claim to fame. But what is the Metaverse exactly and how will it be used? What will be the legal implications once launched ...
In 2019, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings famously said in a shareholder letter:“we compete (and lose to) Fortnite more than HBO.” For most households today, the question is “what are we playing” vs “what are we watching.” While TV/film/books still host compelling stories, many of the...
Fortniteis making some big changes to how battle passes work in a couple of weeks. Epic Games already announced that it would bestreamlining battle pass progression, but it’s implementing a similar change to its subscription service Fortnite Crew. ...
so fast, lag time will be reduced to a point where gaming feels instantaneous. Say goodbye to loading screens—with response times like this, mobile gaming is going just be "gaming". If you thinkplaying Fortnite on the busis cool, then you're in for a whole new world of remote gaming...
fast, lag time will be reduced to a point where gaming feels instantaneous. Say goodbye to loading screens—with response times like this, mobile gaming is going to just be "gaming". If you thinkplaying Fortnite on the busis cool, then you're in for a whole new world of remote gaming...
Epic isn’t yet disclosing what to expect next year in terms of higher frame rates on consoles or new graphics benchmarks to look forward to. But the company prides itself on makingFortnitework across as many platforms and devices as possible and to look as good as...
The word metaverse has been bouncing around a lot lately. Although the technology is not fully developed, the closest examples of the metaverse today include the virtual worlds Second Life, Fortnite, Roblox, and Decentraland. Furthermore, Facebook changed its name to Meta in anticipation that it...
In 2019, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings famously said in a shareholder letter:“we compete (and lose to) Fortnite more than HBO.” For most households today, the question is “what are we playing” vs “what are we watching.” While TV/film/books still host compelling stories, many of the...