Flan:First used to fine-tune Google’s LaMDA-PT model, yielding the original FLAN model, the Flan dataset has since been refined and used to fine-tune a number of LLMs. Prominent models fine-tuned on Flan include FLAN-T5, Flan-UL2 and Flan-PaLM 540B (also referred to as FLAN-T5-XX...
2022-10 Flan-T5/PaLM Google Scaling Instruction-Finetuned Language Models 2022-10 GLM-130B Tsinghua GLM-130B: An Open Bilingual Pre-trained Model ICLR 2022-11 HELM Stanford Holistic Evaluation of Language Models 2022-11 BLOOM BigScience BLOOM: A 176B-Parameter Open-Access Multilingual Languag...
LLM model fine-tuning and batch inferenceFine-tuning a Hugging Face Transformer (FLAN-T5) on the Alpaca dataset. Also includes distributed hyperparameter tuning and batch inference. Multilingual chat with Ray ServeServing a Hugging Face LLM chat model with Ray Serve. Integrating multiple models and...
Pythia-6.9BT5 v1.1 XLFlan-T5 XL 0-shot0-shot2-shot0-shot2-shot Bigram KL-divergence (−)−0.090.7540.050.8410.020.942−0.550.029−0.640.007 MAUVE score (+)−0.260.331−0.140.616−0.040.8730.400.1220.320.226 ...
google/flan-t5-large (Info) semitechnologies/transformers-inference:sentence-transformers-gtr-t5-large DPR Models facebook/dpr-ctx_encoder-single-nq-base (Info) semitechnologies/transformers-inference:facebook-dpr-ctx_encoder-single-nq-base facebook/dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base (Info) semite...
Seq2Seq models like FLAN-T5 (google/flan-t5-base), or any model that can be loaded withAutoModelForSeq2SeqLM. Best results are usually achieved by using anincrementalmodel as thesegmenter_model_name_or_pathand amaskedorseq2seqmodel as thereranker_model_name_or_path. ...
Build-in powerful flan-t5-large model: This state-of-the-art transformer-based model is designed for a wide range of natural language processing tasks, including text translation, question answering, summarization, text generation, and more. It has been trained on a diverse range of data sources...
google/flan-t5-large(Info)semitechnologies/transformers-inference:sentence-transformers-gtr-t5-large BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5(Info)semitechnologies/transformers-inference:baai-bge-small-en-v1.5 BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5(Info)semitechnologies/transformers-inference:baai-bge-base-en-v1.5 ...
: Multilingual https://doi.org/M10a.t1t5e0rs8.4/00002991. eda 2010)IKzuaynaemda, Atksiuhkiroo..22000130..TOhekiGnraawmamIarrioofmthoeteIsShoignaaki MHōiygaerna DAisaulepctecinutLoucTheunasnu. EMduitdeod TbyaiAketsinuokoSoIzbuyyōa[mAa.SSkteutcdhieosfoTneLnuscehuan grammar. Aspect ...
LLM model fine-tuning and batch inference Fine-tuning a Hugging Face Transformer (FLAN-T5) on the Alpaca dataset. Also includes distributed hyperparameter tuning and batch inference. Multilingual chat with Ray Serve Serving a Hugging Face LLM chat model with Ray Serve. Integrating multiple models ...