Is Factor V Leiden mutation a cause of implantation failure?acrosome reactionhuman spermatozoaICSIscanning electron microscopya prospective case-control study of 127 normozoospermic and 435 non-normozoospermic Caucasian men, the genotype frequencies of a polymorphism of the interleukin-1 beta gene (...
The factor V Leiden mutation is the most common genetic risk factor for deep vein thrombosis: it is present in about 5% of the white population. The risk o... JP Vandenbroucke,FJVD Meer,FM Helmerhorst,... - 《Bmj British Medical Journal》 被引量: 1175发表: 1996年 Prevalence of facto...
Inherited thrombophilia.This means you were born with the condition. One or both of your parents passed on a faulty gene or genes. Inherited thrombophilia comes in several forms. The most common arefactor V Leidenmutation, which 1 in 20 people of European descent have, and the prothrombin G20...
Background and aims Resistance to activated protein C (APCR) caused by the Leiden mutation to factor V is the most common cause of inherited thrombosis. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are considered to have an increased risk of thromboembolic complications, and the role of APCR ...
Factor V Leiden mutation (FVL G1691A; rs6025) is a missense mutation that is known to cause venous thromboembolism [9]. This variant leads to substitution of arginine to glycine at the 506th position of the amino acid sequence of factor V, one of the cleavage sites for activated protein ...
In addition to the genetic variants currently used in clinical assessment of hereditary thrombophilia (e.g., Factor V Leiden, prothrombin mutation) there are other more recently discovered common gene variants that contribute to VTE risk15,16,17. However, even when these are also incorporated into...
Case Report: Factor v Leiden mutation is the most common hereditary disorder in patients with venous thromboembolism. Other genetic disorders seen more common are prothrombin G20210A mutation, protein C deficiency, protein S deficiency, antithrombin III deficiency and hiperhomosistinemia. The patients ...
CHIVA aims to restore normal venous hemodynamics by redirecting blood flow away from the incompetent veins to more functional ones. The preservation of venous flow is key to reducing the risk of thrombus formation, as stagnant or turbulent flow is often a contributing factor to clot development. ...
retinal vein occlusionplatelet glycoprotein polymorphismsprothrombin gene mutationfactor V Leidenthermolabile methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase mutationPurpose To ... M Küchle,B Lausen,Gabriele-Charlotte Gusek-Schneider - 《Graefes Archive for Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology》 被引量: 42发表: 2003年...
Effect of second-and third-generation oral contraceptives on the protein C system in the absence or presence of the factor VLeiden mutation: a randomized trial. Effects of hereditary and acquired risk factors of venous thrombosis on a thrombin generation-based APC resistance test. Thromb Haemost. ...