We have given great importance to Mercosur, which is a kind of integration process for South American countries, very important in the spheres of justice, health, education, women's issues, et cetera. That gives Mercosur great richness as a process of integration in these sectors of Latin Amer...
This behavior does not take into account nest groups. You need to increase the number of round trips to the domain controller if you want to include groups of groups of groups etcetera ad nauseam (trying to make my Latin word quota). Security Group User Targeting User Security Group targetin...
VSVide Super(Latin: See Above) VSVOR Signal VSVolti Subito(Turn Quickly) VSVines Security VSNavy Scouting Squadron(US Navy aviation unit designation used from 1920s to 1940s) VSVardhman Spinning VSValidation Segment VSVanguardia Socialista de Bolivia(Socialist Vanguard of Bolivia) ...
It’s true that you won’t find Latin spoken in a restaurant or on the street, but you’ll find its influence in all of the Romance languages and English. Terms like “et cetera” and “versus” are used in English (oftenabbreviated as etc. and vs.) and come directly from Latin. P...
ETCEt Cetera(Latin: And So Forth) ETCEstimated Time of Completion ETCEducational Technology ETCEntertainment Technology Center ETCEverything to Connect ETCElectronic Theatre Controls(theatre equipment company) ETCEducate the Children(various locations) ...
So they were in the double digit millions for a good part of basically all of 20 22, 20 21, et cetera. But they hit 2023 and then four of the last five. So every quarter last year and the first quarter of this four of the five were in single digits. And so Mind...
VSUrbs Sacra(Latin: Sacred City, epigraphy) VSValley and Siletz Railroad Company VSStall speed or the minimum steady flight speed at which the airplane is controllable(aviation) VSVinstudio(Macau) VSNavy Air ASW Squadron VSVoluit Senatus(Latin: The Senate Wanted, epigraphy) ...
et cetera. And they make it entertaining. And people, young people in particular, decided that this was a worthwhile way to spend their day and substituted in for watching a TV show or a movie or whatever, and that's what it's going to take here also in order ...
Latin abbreviations. Especially common in academic writing, you may not know what these ubiquitous abbreviations stand for: etc., foret cetera, meaning “and so forth” e.g., forexempli gratia, meaning “for example” i.e., forid est, meaning “that is” ...
Emily Brewster: That's very kind, thank you. Let us know what you think about Word Matters. Review us on Apple Podcasts or email us at wordmatters@m-w.com. You can also visit us at NEPM.org. And for the word of the day and all your general and dictionary needs, visit merriam-we...