Et ceterarefers to things.Et al.refers to people. Etc. punctuation you would the phraseand the rest. When it comes at the end of a list, put a comma before it if you use the serial comma and don’t if you don’t use the serial comma. (We won’t get into the seri...
A trick for remembering to include the period after "al" is to think of another common abbreviation, "etc." "Etc." abbreviates et cetera, meaning "and the rest," and it always requires a period at the end. So et al., which is similar, always takes a period at the end too. Here...
His TV shows include Sticky Moments, Terry and Julian and the recent BBC2 series All Rise For Julian Clary. He is soon to start work on a TV series for American audiences. He lives in London.Greenstreet, Interviews Rosanna
Jon Pain, of Lloyds TSB, who commissioned the survey, said: 'When we think of buying houses, we tend to focus on the hard facts involved - the location, number and size of rooms, the price, getting a good mortgage deal et cetera. FLIT TODAY IS A BAD MOVE; Buyers are wary over Fri...
(redirected fromEt Cetera, Et Cetera) Category filter: AcronymDefinition EEElectrical Engineering EEElectrical Engineer EEExponent EEEstonia EEEnterprise Edition(Java2) EEEvaluation Engineering EEEveryone Else EEEnvironmental Education EEEnd-to-End(computer networking) ...
entrepreneur friends, one thing that she mentioned was that it is a huge luxury that we get to make this choice and it would be a waste if we didn’t choose, if we didn’t actually use that opportunity to say I’m going to choose to do this thing, I’m going to focus on this ...
et cetera. So I believe that it was, and it really gave me time, to prove the concept that this was going to be successful and there was... We mitigated the risk enough to the point where I was comfortable making that decision to leave my secure full-time job and come on full time...
Nol Honig (06:11): Um, for example, you could just select one and then it would be selected and you could move it, et cetera. All right. So, uh, what I want to do here is kind of grab all of the points for the paths, for all the letters, except for this side of the T ...
Etcetera: How We MetThe writer Jan Morris (formerly James Morris), 70, isAnglo-Welsh by parentage. She has been to...By FoxInterviews Sue
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