Formal French: Quel est le temps ? 复制 Casual French: Quel temps il fait ? 复制 Explanation: In the formal translation, "Quel est" is used to ask "What is", which is a more proper and polite way of asking a question. In the casual translation, "Quel temps il fait" is used, ...
Define it is etc high time. it is etc high time synonyms, it is etc high time pronunciation, it is etc high time translation, English dictionary definition of it is etc high time. adj. high·er , high·est 1. a. Having a relatively great elevation; exten
In no sense; certainly not: This remark by no means should be taken lightly. [Middle English mene, middle, from Old French meien, from Latin mediānus, from medius; see medhyo- in Indo-European roots.] Usage Note: In the sense of "financial resources" means takes a plural verb: His ...
The difference between c’est (it is, this is) and il est (it is, he is) in French is: Use c’est to present someone or something. C’est mon vélo. This is my bicycle. Use il est only to describe someone or something that is masculine singular.
Casual French: Le supermarché est à 10 minutes en voiture. 复制 Explanation: In the formal translation, the phrase "magasin d'alimentation" is used, which is a more formal term for "grocery store." Additionally, the verb "se trouve" is more formal than "est" (is). In the casual ...
As with the comparative, some two-syllable adjectives use -est to form the superlative, while others use the word most. Generally, two-syllable adjectives ending in -y replace -y with -iest. Adjectives of three or more syllables add the word most. An article with a superlative adjective wil...
Translations for faisais in the French»English Dictionary (Go to English»French) Show summary of all matches I.faire [fɛʀ] VB trans Send us feedback Links to further information View verb table 1. faire (donner, émettre, produire): faire to make Preselect for export to voca...
Self-image is formed onthe basis of your daily thoughts and actions invarious situations. 2. Tips Your self-image is the set of ideas you have about your own qualities and abilities. The factors which determine a person ’ s self-image include parental influences, social roles, self-...
Is Apporte a verb in French? The French verb apporter means "to bring." It's a regular -er verb, which means conjugating it is pretty straightforward. Is dire a reflexive verb? Se dire can be reflexive, reciprocal, or passive. Il s'est dit de se tenir tranquille. He told himself to...
French indefinite pronouns, sometimes called affirmative indefinite pronouns, are unspecific and are used in place of nouns. They can be the subject of a sentence, the object of a verb, or the object of a preposition. Tout le monde est ici. ...