The difference between c’est (it is, this is) and il est (it is, he is) in French is: Use c’est to present someone or something. C’est mon vélo. This is my bicycle. Use il est only to describe someone or something that is masculine singular.
10 Commons French idioms to speak like a native 08:30 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】French People Never Eat Alone 07:19 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】Tu connais le verbe -piquer 00:20 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】DO NOT SAY Je suis désolé say THIS instead 12:12 【YouTube搬运 | 法语学习】Tu...
appl y no mat t er whi ch l anguage is bei ng l earned and t aught .French for speci fi c purposes,Russi an for speci fi c purposes,Chi nese for speci fi c pI叩oses——al l oft hese cast and are const ruct ed on t he sanl e ...
2. Not really, but "on dirait" is a casual French expression which we use all the time we ...
in French 1. What is it ? C'est quoi ?What is it? Qu'est-ce que c'est ?What is it? Literally "what is it that it is?", it is pronounced [kess kuh say]. Note that est-ce is simply c'est inverted. 2. What is this/that ? Here are equally valid...
a在中国的一些法国公司也在招人,比如雪铁龙在武汉的公司,在巴黎就常年招聘中国留学生回国去武汉工作,都是可以直接写信去应聘的 Loue également l'humain à quelques French Corporation de la Chine, par exemple Citroen à la compagnie de Wuhan, l'année à l'année annonce pour l'étudiant étranger chino...
When not engaged in reading Virgil, Homer, or Mistral, in parks, restaurants, streets, and suchlike public places, he indited sonnets (in French) to the eyes, ears, chin, hair, and other visible perfections of a nymph called Therese, the daughter, honesty compels me to state, of a cer...
Yes, it is correct to say "parler des dessins animés que j'ai regardés quand j'étais petite, ça m'a fait resurgir de bons souvenirs" in French. Here's a breakdown of the sentence: - " des dessins animés" means "to talk about cartoons" ...
Englishinitsdevelopmenthasmanagedtowidenhervocabularybyborrowingwordsfromotherlanguages.Greek,Latin,French,Spanishhaveallplayedanactiveroleinthisprocess(胡壮麟)Robert(Czech)Czech捷克人[语]Raster(French)光栅Xerox(brandname)静电复印机 FeaturesofESTTerms-Compounding复合 compoundingisthewaytojointwoseparatewordsto...
Parallel to this, Shosanna Dreyfus (Mélanie Laurent), a French-Jewish cinema proprietor, prepares her own scheme for revenge. Directed by Quentin Tarantino, this film won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor (Christoph Waltz). It's an intriguing blend of history and fiction, filled with...