Question:Is musicharam(forbidden) in Islam? ANSWER Sima’is of two types: permissiblesima’and impermissible one. The misconception that there are also lawful musical instruments in Islam stems from the fact that some individuals mistranslate the wordsima’that appears infiqhbooks as musical instrume...
According to the two decisions made by the Consultation Board of the Presidency of Religious Affairs (of Turkey) in 1943 and in 1948, although it is haram to drink things like spirit and eau de cologne, it is not haram to use them. They do not make the place where they are poured dir...
tongue and teeth along with their material cleaning. Instead of the words that cause sins like telling lies, cursing, uttering bad language, gossiping, slandering, sacred words dhikr, tasbih (glorifying Allah), takbir and nice words, avoiding putting haram food into the mouth are more important...